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"If it scares you, it might be a good thing to try" - Seth Godin


Saturday 7 a.m. (February 15th, 2014)

He quickly prepared breakfast for his family and quietly left the house. He was going to visit the place again. He kept walking and his eyes met a stranger's eyes. He quickly looked away feeling scared. How long will this fear last? 

He ran all the way to the building and he walked inside.

"Hello there! You are here again," The man smiled.

Minseok quickly bowed and ran up the stairs. Is that man's smile real or is it not? He knocked on the door and there was no answer. He knocked on the door again.

"Come in"

When he opened up the door, he realized that the office decorations changed again.

"Do you change them every day?" He asked out of curiosity.

"Yes, I love changing the plants and the lights."

"Doesn't that cost a lot?" He asked again.

He would never ask anything but today was really different.

"Not really"

"Why do you do this job?" He asked again.

"I love listening to other people and I love helping them out."

He nodded listening to her. He never thought about what he really wanted to do. He didn't have a dream or even a goal. He finally sat down on the seat he sat down last time.

"Tell me more about yourself."

She always said the same thing and he wondered why.

"I don't enjoy talking," He shrugged.

"Why is that?"

"I am afraid of how people would judge me," He replied.

"Is there a story behind to that?"

"N- Well actually... Yes," He answered truthfully.

"Would it be okay if you could tell me?"

He sighed and gave a small nod.

"I... I don't know what I did wrong... People always ignore me at school," He started.

"It must have been hard for you"

"Since then... I was treated like an invisible person. No one ever talked to me and I never tried talking to them either," He explained.

The only thing that the girl could do right now was to listen. 

"Do you ever talk to strangers first?"

He shook his head. He was scared that he was going to get ignored.

"Can I say something to you?"

He nodded.

"Try talking to strangers first"

"I can't," He shook his head.

"Why not?"

"I can't even talk to the people that live in my house," He replied.

"Then try talking to them first"

He thought about that for a second, but he still nodded. He should try to talk to them.

"My homework for you today is to try talking to people"

He thought it was funny that the counsellor was giving him a homework. Even though he didn't want to talk to people, he wanted to fix it.

"Thank you for today," He stood up from the chair.


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