- Xiumin

13 3 0

"Yesterday is gone, Tomorrow is a mystery, Today is blessing" 

(*hint hint* Read all the chapter names in order :) Guess the song! It is an EXO song, Christmas song! )


Thursday 4 p.m (April 10th, 2014)


"Let's get into a group of 4 for this project," The teacher announced.

Xiumin looked around his classmate and realized that he was not really close to anyone. 

"Let's work together," Taylor asked.

"Sure," Xiumin replied.

"We need just two more people," Taylor said.

"I will go and ask," I told her.

"Are you sure?" She asked me.

The only thing she really knew about me is that I am afraid of talking to new people. Well, that's knowing a lot about me, but not that much.

"G- Guys... Do you want to wo- work wi- with us?" He asked stuttering a lot.

He was sweating a lot and he felt really dizzy. 


"Let's work together!" This boy came up to him.

"Sure," Xiumin smiled brightly.

"My name is Jack," Jack introduced himself.

"I am Xiumin!" Xiumin introduced himself too.

Xiumin thought that this boy was a good kid.


"Go and throw this at him," Jack smirked.

"What?!" Xiumin exclaimed.

Jack was holding a really big rock. He was basically telling Xiumin to kill him...

"You are not going to do it?" Jack questioned Xiumin.

Xiumin shook his head and Jack started laughing.

"If you are not going to do it then I will do it you," Jack looked at Xiumin with a really scary look.

Jack threw the rock at Xiumin and Xiumin immediately fell down. 

"This is just the start," Jack hissed.

This was just the start and things got harder for him. They would lock him up in a refrigerated room, throw stuff at him like basketball, rocks, and sometimes even sharp objects. They would spread weird rumours and this kept going.

*End of Flashback*

"Are you okay?" They asked me.

"I am fine," I lied and forced out a smile.

"We could work together," They agreed.

"My name is Daniel," Daniel smiled.

"My name is Seongwoo," Seongwoo introduced himself.

*End of Flashback*

"So what is your point?"

"I think I improved. I did feel really scared but weirdly it got better," Xiumin told her.

"I am glad to hear that"

She gave him and smile and he smiled back.

"I can't believe it!" He exclaimed.

"I guess this will be our last time meeting," 

"I.. I guess," He replied.

She looked at the time on her desk and looked back.

"Thank you for coming to this place"

"No... I should thank you for helping me," He said.

"Remember... F.E.A.R has two meaning:

1) Forget Everything And Run

2) Face Everything And Rise

The choice is yours"

Xiumin smiled brightly. 

"I will choose number 2! Bye!" He exclaimed.

He stood up and gave a small bow as a sign of respect. He slowly left the room realizing that he would probably never come back again. 

'Maybe I should come back later to thank her,' He thought.

He left the room and went downstairs. 

"Bye Baekhyun," He said.

"You are leaving?" Baekhyun asked.

"I will come back soon though," He smiled.

He exited the building and gave one last look. 

'I will miss this place' He thought.

*End of Xiumin's Story*

(The song was Exo - First Snow)

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