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"Happiness is more important than pride" - Laurenk0409


Sunday 3:30 a.m (May 4th, 2014)

Suho was in his room studying when his door room opened.

"Keep studying! Don't think of even sleeping!" His mother exclaimed.

"I am not your doll!!! Let me live my own life!" He exclaimed standing up.

"Stop getting out of your seat!" She yelled.

"I am going to do whatever I want to!" He yelled and grabbed his sweater.

"Where do you think you are going?!" She exclaimed.

"You don't need to know," He harshly pushed her and walked out of the door.

"Where are you going! Come back in here! Your rank can't go down!" She yelled.

He walked downstairs and he found his father down in the living room reading a newspaper.

"Where are you going this late?" His father asked.

"Just having a break," He said.

"Just be safe," His father looked up.

"WHERE ARE YOU GOING?!" His mother ran out of the room looking upset.

"Just leave him alone!" His father yelled.

Suho opened up the door and left the house.

In the house

"You think you could control him forever?" His father questioned.

"I am doing this for him!" His mother yelled.

"This is not the best for him! This is what you want!" His father yelled.

"He will thank me later," His mother explained.

"That was already enough... Why won't you change even after what happened to Jinhee?" His father questioned.

"He's different than her..." Her face expression suddenly changed.

"I don't care if his grade drops... I just want him to be safe," He sighed.

His mother's expression totally changed and she started crying.

(Me as the reader's perspective: You have no right to cry!!!!!)

Counseling Room

*Knock Knock*

"Who is it?"

The door opened and Suho entered the room looking really tired.

"Are you okay?"

"Do you think I am?" He raised his eyebrows.


"Then why bother to ask?" He shrugged.

"I wanted you to talk"

He looked at her strangely for a few minutes.

"Do you have something to say?"

"How old are you?" He asked suddenly.

"Older than you"


He was currently 17 years old, which meant she was older than 17.

"You look really young. So are you a college student?" He tried guessing.

"Did you come here to sleep or talk about your family problems?"

"Both," He replied.

He thought it was strange how she would change the topic when it was about herself. 

"Did you listen to the songs?"

"They were actually good," Suho nodded.

"So is listening to music a good hobby?"

"It's not my hobby. It's my new dream," He answered.

She was pretty shocked by his answer but still nodded. She couldn't believe how quickly his dream would appear. 

"What about your studies?"

"I will still study... It will help in the future," He said.

(Author: So not relatable)

"I think you are starting to calm down a bit"

"What do you mean?" He questioned.

"Your suicidal rate went down"

He did not really understand what she meant but stayed quiet. 

"Now your next step is to go and talk to your parents"

"As if they will listen," He rolled his eyes.

"In my opinion, I think you always yell. Talk to your parents calmly"

Suho thought about that. Her words were basically true, but he did not want to admit it. 

"My mom is so stubborn," He answered.

"So convince her"

He looked at her and shrugged. Suddenly, he felt the tiredness coming to him. 

"You want to take a nap?"

"Sure," He nodded.

He soon fell into deep sleep. 

"It's time"

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