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Professor Henry was anxiously awaiting the next student to begin. He had to try very hard to contain his excitement until each and every single student had told their story. He gave the next student permission to tell his story. My name is Greg and I am afraid of death.

A year ago my grandmother passed away. I really did not like funerals, but knew I needed to go and support my mother who was very grief stricken. As the preacher finished the eulogy we were each given the chance to go up and see her in her coffin. Standing by my mother's side I tried not to look at my grandmother's face, but something about her eyes caught my attention. I could not help but get a bad case of the heebie jeebies.

That night I was extremely tired from crying and trying to support the rest of my family so I went to bed early. As I dozed off I dreamed of my grandmother in her coffin. As I stood there watching her lifeless body her eyes suddenly popped open and she sat up pointing her finger at me. She said," It is coming for you Greg". I woke up terrified and drenched in sweat. I could not believe the tone my grandmother took as she said the words. She had always been the sweetest grandmother a boy could ever have, but in the dream she sounded menacing. 

The next day I went to class and as I sat in class I began to doze off. Standing at the front of the classroom was my grandmother's coffin. I worked up the courage to go up to her coffin and as I did I could hear a whispering voice emanating from the coffin. As I went to turn around the lid of the coffin blew open as if a strong wind was inside the room. What I was looking at was definitely not my grandmother. It was a body far too decomposed to be hers. It looked at me with hatred in it's eyes and said," It is coming for you Greg." How did this human, creature, or whatever it was know my name?

As my teacher tapped me on the shoulder he asked if I was okay. He knew that my grandmother had passed away and asked if I would like to go home early. As much as I hated missing out on getting my college courses in, I could not stay with the way I was feeling.

That night I had no trouble falling asleep. It felt as if I had not slept in a week. I decided to take a sleeping pill hoping it would keep me from have nightmares this time. As I dozed off rather quickly I started to dream again. This time I was in a completely different place, a scarier place. I discovered that I was in a morgue. The only thing relieving about it was that their were no dead bodies on either one of the tables. This thought was quickly shut out though, because within a few seconds I could hear a banging sound coming from inside one of the body drawers. I froze in fear as I wondered what was in there and if it could get out. I started sweating profusely wondering if I would ever wake up from this nightmare. As the door to it swung open there was nothing there. It was empty I could see. As I breathed a sigh of relief I felt something on the back of my neck. It was like a puff of breath. I wanted to run, but my legs would not work and in an instant I knew it was too late. I heard the words it said," I am here for you Greg."

Ever since the dreams started I cannot tell whether I am dreaming or awake. All I know for sure is that for the past year I have become afraid of death and what it holds for me. As Greg finished his story the Professor told them that he would like to have a late session so that he could get closer to helping them and sooner. Everyone agreed to stay later, because each and every single one of them did not want to live this way anymore. All they asked is that they be allowed to get something to eat first.Professor Henry happily agreed. As they all left the building Professor Henry flipped a switch and said," Perfect, This is going to be just perfect." 

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