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Professor Henry was glad to see someone raise their hand so quickly. He was excited about his first psych 101 class and told the class if they were ready Lisa could begin her story. My name is Lisa and I am deathly afraid of hitchhikers. The story I am about to tell you is one that my best friend told me. John was coming home from a business trip late one night. As he drove along the interstate listening to the radio a special report came over the radio. Attention all listeners this is an important news bulletin. An hour ago a local mental ward patient escaped and it is unknown where he is at this time, so do not open your door for any strangers and most importantly do not pick up anyone hitchhiking. As John was listening he was suddenly wishing that he were at home behind locked doors. He had a really bad feeling after they described this particular patient. Apparently this patient was one of their worst and had already killed several people before being admitted. It was definitely not a good time to be alone on the road and what made it worse is he had to stop to fill his car up with gas. At the next exit he turned off to go to an all night gas station.As he got out of the car his flesh broke out in goosebumps. After paying the clerk for his gas he quickly starting fueling the car, but as he did he noticed a strange man walk out from behind the gas station.Luckily the pump was quick and he was able to drive off before the guy had a chance to do anything. He drove off quickly and got back on the interstate.For a while driving proved to calm his nerves until in the distance he could see what appeared to be a man on the side of the road. His heart started racing as he got closer and noticed the man was holding a sign that read I need a ride you must give me a ride. John sped past him knowing he was not going to pick this guy up for any reason. As he drove along they continued to give regular warnings and updates about the mental escapee which made the 50 miles he had to go seem even longer. As time went by he started to feel a little better knowing he only had 20 miles left to go until in the distance he could see what appeared to be the same man standing by the road. He could not believe his eyes. How could it be the same man standing there? He was still holding a sign, but as John went by he noticed the sign was different this time. It had what appeared to be blood stains on it and it had the words I know where you live. A feeling beyond fear coarsed through John. How would this man know where he lives? He has never until tonight seen this man in his life, but for some strange reason this did not comfort him. All he could do was drive faster and pray to get home safely. Finally after an agonizing 15 minutes he was in his driveway. He ran as fast as he could to the door and unlocked it. He quickly locked the door, turned the lights on, but noticed something was not right inside the house. He could hear a tv going in his bedroom, but knew that he turned everything off in the house before he left. For a few seconds he could not move, but as soon as he could he made a dash for his car not even bothering to lock his front door. As he got into his car to go to the police station he noticed a faint breathing sound in the car with him and a thought suddenly dawned on him. OH NO! I forgot to lock the car when I went into the house! I knew my twin brother would lead you to me by leaving that tv on. Unfortunately when they announced that the escapee had a twin brother who had never been found John was pumping gas outside the gas station.

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