[ Adnan ] Breath of Fresh Air

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Three days have gone by. Three sleepless nights and three grueling days, all of which, Adnan had been horribly ill for.

Adnan whined, opening his eyes. It must have been early morning, and he still felt tired. So much for being ill- it didn't help meditation one bit. Not to mention that infuriating old man across the way, constantly muttering and trying to talk to him. When Adnan tuned back into reality, the old man had been mumbling off some story.

"... And I says to him- I says to him, 'that was your daughter!" He chuckled under his breath as he talked to the wall, as though he'd just told a funny joke and he was trying not to laugh at it, to give the invisible audience a chance instead. Adnan groaned. "Please," He begged. "Can't you be quiet for thirty minutes?"

It seems Adnan was ignored. The elf groaned, lay back, and closed his eyes again. Five minutes didn't even pass before he heard voices and foot steps. That old man was pacing again! Adnan sat up, his hazel eyes suddenly opening only to be met with-


"Oh, hell. What do you want?" Said the sharp tongued elf. "Have you bothered me enough? Won't give me medicine for this persistent illness, won't hear me out, now what do you-"
"Silence. You've been summoned by the Queen, her Imperial Highness."
"... Want. Wait, what?" 

Adnan sat in silence, wide eyed and confused. Before he knew it, the guards were unlocking the cell doors and escorting him out. The old man watched him through the bards, his spindle- like hands trembling with age as he grasped the cold iron bars, his one working eye followed Adnan as he was escorted out.


The sunlight hurt his eyes. It had been several days since he'd seen it last, and he had to squint to have even a semblance of vision. It would quickly pass. When he could see again, he sighed in relief. "Ahh... It's beautiful." He uttered. Adnan closed his eyes, taking in the fresh, mountainous air through his nose and tasting the pine on his tongue. The cool breeze was refreshing compared to the dark, musty jailhouse. 

Adnan opened his eyes. Before him was a beautiful, ornate wagon. It was topped with pinstriped, red fabric and accented with gold. It's sides were vertical, wood planking, and it was being pulled by two, sturdy white steeds. On the front of the wagon sat the driver, dressed well and with a small mustache. He clambered off, and bowed to Adnan.

"Dear sir, summoned by the Queen, I'll have you board and we will acquire the next participant and debrief you." He spoke with a slight tone of voice, that suggested he was upper class. The man then walked to the door, pulling it open with one hand and holding it for the elf. Adnan stepped inside the wagon and sat down. As the door was closed on him, he examined the interior.

It was well decorated- the seats were covered in the same pinstriped red as the cloth roof of the wagon. It was comfortable, and soft to the touch. So much so, that it lulled Adnan into the sleep he so desperately needed.

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