Charters and Missing People

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GeekyGlamGirl-Heyo so my friend asked me to upload the next chapter soooo here ya go❤️ it's much shorter. K that's all enjoy my homies ❤️❤️❤️🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈

Jane's POV
*time skip to Ben's house*
We walked into Ben's room, Richie and Eddie still deep in conversation.
"I heard he has like, a roller coaster, and a pet chimp, and like an old guys fucking bones." Richie paused as we entered.
I gasped.
Oh my word
The walls were covered, COVERED, in articles and newspaper clippings. My dream come true. I was fascinated with history, but never got the chance to read about Derry's history. I was too busy reading about world history. I would have my own walls covered too, but my stepmother would faint if I did.
"Woah, woah, woah." Eddie said.
"Wow!" Richie blurted.
"I know, pretty cool, huh?" Ben said, leaning on the closet door.
"No, no. Nothing cool. There's nothing cool." Richie said shaking his head. I turned a full circle slowly.
"Don't listen to him Ben, this is......fantastic!" I breathed.
"Geez don't cream your pants Ripsom." Richie muttered.
"Beep beep Richie." I replied.
"Feel free to read it all, Jane. I have some more folders under my bed if you want to read those too." Ben smiled. I squealed.
"Really?! Thanks Ben! Ooh where do I start?!" I hugged him quickly and ran to the wall, reading everything as fast as possible. Richie muttered something under his breath.
"Hey, this is cool. Oh no. No it's not." Eddie said beside me.
"What's that?" Stan asked, pointing to a paper. Richie, me, Eddie and Stan (standing in that order) turned to look at Ben for the explanation.
"That? Oh that's a charter for Derry Township." He said.
"Nerd alert." Richie smiled.
"Says the one wearing glasses." I said as he pushed them up.
"No, it's actually really interesting. Derry started out as a beaver trapping camp." Ben replied.
"Still is, am I right boys?" Richie held his hand up for a high five. Stan shook his head. I grimaced at the dirty joke and lowered his hand.
"Ninety-one people signed the charter that made Derry. But, later that winter, they all disappeared without a trace." Ben explained.
"The entire camp?" Eddie asked, dumbfounded.
"There were rumors of Indians, but no sign of an attack. Everybody just thought it was a plague or something. But, it's like, one day, everybody just woke up and left. The only clue was a trail of bloody clothes leading to the Well house." Ben said.
"Jesus. We can get Derry on Unsolved Mysteries." Richie breathed.
"Let's do that. Your brilliant." Eddie replied.
"I might be." Richie stated.
"Oh why'd ya have to say that Eds, it's gonna go to his head!" I exclaimed.
"Hey!" Richie slapped me lightly on the arm. I giggled.
"Why would the new kid bring us to look at this? It's creepy and weird." Stan whispered.
"I don't know, maybe he's just trying to make some friends Stanley." Richie replied.
"Yeah, and besides, it's kinda cool." I added. Richie smiled and we high fived.
"Idiots." Stan muttered. We both jaw-dropped and glared at him jokingly.
"W-where was the Well house?" Bill asked quietly.
"I don't know, somewhere in town I guess. Why?" Ben replied.
"Nothing." Bill mumbled.
"Hey guys, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I gotta get home." I said. "Maybe we can get together later?"
The gang nodded.
"I'll take you home, Jane." Richie said. I nodded and hugged Bev goodbye.
"See ya later!"

Also thx for taking the time to read this y'all. Lowkey really love writing this and it makes me so happy that at least 14 people read it. Love y'all so much! K bye don't follow any red balloons❤️❤️🎈🎈🎈

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