New Fanfiction???

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Ya girl freaking started writing a fanfiction for a movie that hasn't come out yet

(Why am I like this who does this what even)

And idk if I like it or not so help plz?

Tell me if you like it, you want more, your interested, etc

Characters mentioned are:
Main character: Cassie
Cassie's Aunt: Vanessa (actual character from the movie, except idk the characters name)
Lily: Cassie's little sister
mYsTeRioUs MoToR BiKE KiD?

Mkay here we gooo

"Nope. Absolutely not!" Cassie yelled, opening her door and hopping onto her bed, arms crossed and frowning.
"Come on Cassie. Why don't you go outside! Ride a bike?!" Vanessa suggested.
"OH MY GOSH RIDE A BIKE?!?! I'm sorry say that again so I can record it." Cassie retorted, standing up to grab a book from her bookshelf.
"Look all I'm saying is that you're in here 24/7! Don't you wanna go get some fresh air, make some friends??" Vanessa pleaded. Cassie rolled her eyes and sat back down.
"The only friends I need are Lily and my books." She protested.
"Well what did you do back in New York?" Vanessa asked.
"Read books." Cassie answered.
"I meant for fun."
" books."
"Oh come on! You didn't have any friends?" Vanessa sighed.
"No! I didn't okay?! No one there liked me. I was the weird girl with a book that people loved to shove down stairs.." Cassie said.
"...You really didn't have any friends?" Vanessa asked sadly.
"Just you, Lily, my books and..." Cassie looked over at the framed photo of her parents.
"I'm sorry. About your parents." Vanessa sat down beside Cassie.
"Yeah, well. It couldn't be helped." Cassie sighed. "I refuse to ever get in a car again. No moving vehicles for me." She mumbled.
"Alright, well at least come to the party? It would mean a lot for me if you came." Vanessa pleaded. Cassie frowned and looked out her window. Some guy on a motorbike zoomed past, music blaring. She watched it curiously before turning back to Vanessa.
"Fine. But I only stay one hour and I get to bring three books."
"Three books?!"
"And my phone and earbuds!"
"1 book and your phone and ear buds."
"30 minutes."
"Two hours."
"Ugh fine!" Cassie caved.
"Yay! Thanks babe!" Vanessa hugged her before leaving, but she paused at the door.
"Hey, we're gonna go by the shelter soon, okay? Lily wants a dog."
Cassie nodded and Vanessa smiled and left. Cassie flopped backwards onto her bed.
"What to do, what to do."

So yea

There go

Sorry if it's crappy, I haven't seen the flipping movie yet I'm just a weirdo who makes fanfics on things she's never seen 😅😅😬👍🏼

Tell me how ya like it down below! Or if you can guess what movie it is (if you can how tf iz u magicool?)

Stay tuned, depending on if y'all liked it I might make this into a full blown fanfic.

Kk sorry for the annoying post byeeeeee ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈

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