Expensive Mistakes

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[A.N.] This is a quick oneshot I wrote based on my prompt from Geetrickprompts on Tumblr. The theme of the month was M A N I A and the song I was given was Wilson (Expensive Mistakes). That just so happens to be my second favorite song on the album. My favorite is Heaven's Gate, but I've got one in the works for that one already...

Anyway, here you go.


Every day, before the sun came up, the sky had a certain kind of glow to it. It wasn't one that could be easily described; while some would describe it as a pinkish-purple, others would see it as a maroon-magenta. Patrick Stump, however, saw is as more of a feeling: when he looked up at the sky in the morning right before the sun came up, it reminded him of the feeling of falling in love over and over again every single day.

The sky lacked that signature glow in the moment. Patrick was standing in front of his mirror, unable to sleep.

"... And lastly, I'd like to thank my brother and sister for their faith in me. Without them, I don't know where I'd be. I humbly accept my diploma and the title of valedictorian and on behalf of my friends, the graduating class of 2002, thank you, Belleville High."

Before he knew it, it was three AM. It was only three hours until he had to leave for his final day of high school. He sighed deeply, the butterflies in his stomach flapping violently.

"I did it," he forced a smile in the mirror. "We all d-"

He stopped talking when he heard a strange noise against his window. He fell silent, pondering what the noise could have been.

Suddenly, he heard the noise again: he recognized it as the light tink of a pebble hitting a window. Then, there was another one. And then another. He let out a dejected sigh as he realized what was going on.

"Gee!" He barked, opening up his window and shouting at Gerard Way. "What're you doing here? Why are you wearing all black? You look like you're about to rob the place."

"Hey, valedictorian," Gerard gushed, rushing up to Patrick's windowsill and leaning in as close as he could to Patrick. "You know me, I'll stop wearing black when they make a darker color. Goddamn! Lookit you... you're so gorgeous... I can't believe I'm looking at the eighth world wonder... kiss me!"

"No! Back off!" Patrick pushed Gerard away before he could be kissed. "Gerard, it's three in the morning... I'm practicing my speech. What are you doing here?"

"I wanted to talk to you." Gerard sighed, somewhat surprised by the rude brush off he'd been given. "I don't think it's too much to ask to see you... I mean, you are my boyfr-"

"Shh!" Patrick exclaimed, putting a hand up to Gerard's mouth aggressively. "You can't say that here!"

"I can't?" Gerard lowered his voice.

"No," Patrick sighed. "Someone'll hear you."

"What's wrong with that?" Gerard furrowed his brow. "Are you... ashamed of me? Do you not wanna admit that you're ga-"

"SHH!" Patrick shushed, more aggressively. "Be quiet! It... it's not like that..."

"Oh really? What is it then?" Gerard raised his voice in agitation. "Tell me! Do you... do you not love me anymore?"

Expensive Mistakes - A Geetrick AUWhere stories live. Discover now