Round 21

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Ethan's POV

I woke up to my phone ringing, which is not exactly how i planned to awaken. The loud chime wouldn't stop as it drew me further and further from my previous slumber, making me more annoyed by the ring. I sigh and answer, noticing Fred's name as the contact.

"Hello? Ethan?" He asks frantically.

My eyes shoot open and my mind immediately thinks something bad happened. "Yes? What's wrong? Are you guys okay?"

Fred laughs on the other end, relieving me of the heavy weight on my chest. "Yeah, son we're fine. I just got a call from John. Remember him?"


"Alright, well he told me he had a fight for you, but you should make sure you're sitting down before i tell you who it is."

I furrow my brows, "it's six in the morning i'm laying in my bed, Fred. Just say it" i laugh.

"Collin McClarky" he boasts.

I swear i feel my heart stop for a few seconds. "Are you alright" he asks. My mind was racing.

"Ar-are you sure he said Collin McClarky? Like, the heavyweight champion Collin McClarky?"

"Uh-huh" he confirms.

"No fucking way" i say in disbelief, standing to my feet quickly. "What? How? When?" I couldn't stop my mouth from moving. It was too much to process. How in the hell could one man pull off a fight between a New Jersey boy who only fought in a local gym, and the World Heavyweight Champion of boxing?

"I don't know. Apparently there was a video taken of you during the Simmons fight and it got to Collin." He says. I could hear Y/n's voice in the distance. It calmed my heart rate and made my mind cease. "All i know is, we have a meeting with John and Collin's trainer tomorrow where we decide when the fight will happen" he clears his throat and i'm left listening, hanging onto every word. "All i need to know is if you're on board or not."

"Oh my God, yes. A million freaking times, yes" i almost shout, careful of the surrounding ears that do not want to be awake at six in the morning. "Thank you so much, and tell John i said thank you. Please, oh my gosh this is so exciting" i clench my non-phone holding hand to relieve some energy and anxiousness.

"You're welcome, son. Just get some good rest today and i'll see you tomorrow, alright?"

I nod, and then quickly realize he can't see me. "Yes, i will see you then."

"Alright, bye."


I hang up the call and throw my phone back onto my bed. My hands immediately fly up to my hair, running through it as they always do. It happens anytime i'm stressed, anxious, excited, etc.

"Yes!" I shout, jumping in place.

My door swings open and a very tired Grayson is revealed. "Will you shut up? Some people are trying to slee-"

"Grayson, i don't give a shit, i just got told i will be fighting Collin Mc-fucking-Clarky" i tell him.

His eyes widen, "Ethan are you serious?" I nod and smile, "he's gonna kill you in the first round, E. You can't accept it" he tells me.

My face falls immediately, "what?"

"Ethan he is so experienced. What are you going to do with an experienced Heavyweight champ?"

"I'm going to have the opportunity to fight a Heavyweight Champion, and the only thing you can say is that he'll kill me" i scoff, not believing the audacity of my own twin. "Let me know when your football dream comes to life so i can ruin it." The petty words flew out of my mouth without me even having to think about it.

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