Chapter 18 : Lipstick Stain

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Y/n's POV
I'm on my way to see Yoo Ri. Yeah she is my partner of force besides Mr Kang.
She took a month of but now she come back.
I dont know why i feel like somethings not right.
Im still driving to the Hotel High which the venue of our place will be meet.
My phone pop up the notification.
I took glance at my phone. Its from Jennie.

Jennie😘: i love you oppa. See you later.
I smiled then I quickly reply.

Me: love you infinity my dear 😘

Then i put my phone at my pocket.

Soon i arrived I park my car at parking lot.
I call Yoo Ri . She pick up the phone.
"Yoo Ri, where are you?"
"Meet me at level 4. You are alone right?"
"Yeah yes i am. Okay ."
She hung up. I wonder why she asking me im alone or not. Is it any problem with that?
I just shaking my head and heading to the 4th floor.

Seems like its a lonely place right here.
"Yoo Ri?" I called her but no one answered.
"Yoo Ri?"
I walked slowly around the 4th floor hallway. I was about to take out my gun from my back. But i fee someone hug my waist from back.
At this moment i only think Jennie will do that. But i know this touch is not hers.
I peel of that hands and quickly turn my heels and I met Yoo Ri.
"What the—"" i didnt manage to finish my word. She quickly grab my arm and kiss me on my left chest.

 She quickly grab my arm and kiss me on my left chest

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Imagine the guy its Y/n.

"What the hell Yoo ri!" I yelled to her.
"Just wanna mark Im yours"
"What the fuck Yoo ri? I have wife !"
"Dont act like you dont like it Y/n." She smirked.
I smell something fishy right here.
"Come back to your senses Kim Yoo Ri ! I thought we come for business."
"Yes. Indeed. Our business."
Then she smashed her lips to mine. Of course i dotn have courage to kiss her back.

 Of course i dotn have courage to kiss her back

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But i froze. I cant even move my hand to push her away.
Then i remembered my first kiss with Jennie Kim . Then i slightly push her away.
I wipe my lips. "I guess nothing important. You are fired Kim Yoo Ri!"
I back away and run to the elevator.
On my way to to back home i called Mr Kang.
"Hello Mr Kang."
"Yes sir."
"Kim yoo ri is back. Do you know that?"
"What are you talking bout sir? Dont you know?"
I step hard on my break make the car suddenly stopped.
"Know what?"
"She's dead sir."
"Same day you broke up with your ex sir. I guess you didnt look your phone at that time. I think you just saw her twin maybe."
"What the hell?? Please check out her twin then. I just met her."
"Alright sir."
I hung up.

Jennie's Pov
Its 2 oclock in the morning. I just cant sleep.
I missed y/n so much.
My phone pop up the notification.
Whatsapp? From unknown person?
What is it about? Scam?
I download the image.
I cant believe it. I saw the picture of y/n kissed someone.
My tears falling to my cheek.
"Jen, im home!"
He entered my room. He was about to hug me but i back away.
I saw the lipstick stain on his chest.
"Why jen?"
He keep step forward to me but i back off.
Then i slapped him hard. Make his corner of lips bleed.
He wipe it.

Then he looked at me

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Then he looked at me. I stare at his eyes and show him my phone.
"What the fuck is this y/n? You cheated on me? Thats what you hiding from me?"
He try to touch me. But i shoved his hand away.
"Dont touch me. Im leaving with the girls."

Y/n's POV
I saw on my left chest. There is lipstick stain there. Gosh im doomed !
I dont have chance to explain to her.
I tried to hug her but she keep push me away .
I saw her tears keep falling.
She called her manager to pick her up.
I kneel down to her level. I dont dare to look straight into her eyes.
"What now?" She sternly said.
"Can you stay with me? I cant live without you."
"Im going to stay with the girls. You better gain my trust back to you. If you know what I mean. Dont you dare tell to my parents bout my leaving."

I just stare at her with my teary eyes

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I just stare at her with my teary eyes. Its hurt see her leaving me. I cant help it. I must respect her decision.
I kissed her forehead. "Alright Jennie. Please comeback. I never stop loving you."
She wipe her tears and left me dumbfounded seems like her manager arrived.
I take out my phone and called Mr Kang.
"Mr Kang. Please guard Jennie like always. Regarding the twin. Please make it fast."
"Roger, Mr Kang."

Someone's POV
"Kim Yura, you did a good job."
"Its nothing sir. I just do my job. Plus i like him anyway."
"Hahaha. So this is win win situation. So i can proceed my mission to ruin Kim Ki Bum's family without any interruption."
He continue to sip the wine and laugh.

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