four || nightmares

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(Y/N)'s POV

"Just admit it, (Y/N), I know you have a crush on him," Bonnie teased as I covered my ears with my pillow.

"Shut up," I mumbled, blushing madly.

She grinned, "Stop denying it!"

"Ugh! Shush!" I screamed, throwing the pillow onto the ground. She only laughed.

For thr past 30 minutes, Bonnie have been teasing me again about having a crush on Ash. I sighed, I mean.. she is right.. but I don't have thr courage to say it to him. Heck, I can't even talk to him without blushing or stuttering. I know I love him, but I'll never, as in never admit that to her. Bonnie's really sweet and kind, she always help me too if I have a problem.. but when it comes to love.. you're gonna die of embarrassment. Seriously, isn't she like, I don't know, eight?!

"Okay, fine.. I do.. have a crush on him.." I confessed, my cheeks getting hotter.

She squealed with happiness, "Ah! I knew it! I knew it! I knew it! I knew it! I knew it!"

"Okay. I said it already, now will you please quiet down? It's like 11:00 pm, and we're the only ones who are still awake. And I'm really tired," I said, annoyed.

Yes. That's true. I woke up earlier at about 9:00 pm to get some water, then I couldn't sleep anymore. Turns out Bonnie's the same situation I was in, so we just talked and talked all night long, and trust me when I say I don't know how we got to this topic.

She yawned, "Yeah. We should sleep,"

I pulled the covers over my head, closing my eyes as I drifted off to sleep.

I was running, running away from a murderer. I turned around, and sighed in relief as I found out that he wasn't there. Yet. I put my hands on my knees as I tried to catch my breath. Who was that guy and why is he doing this? What did I even do? Suddenly, I felt vines wrapping around my leg and my eyed widened, trying desperatly to get it off. Tears started flowing down my face uncontrollably as I felt the vines wrap around my neck, my vision blurring. I heard someone shout my name from a million miles away but I couldn't recognize whose it was.

And then I saw the murderer in front of me, a knife raised in his hands, his eyes filled with fire. I put my hands around the vines that were on my neck as I tried to get it off as hard as I could. The knife was getting closer, closer and closer to my neck, I cried out, praying that someone would come and help me. The vines were everywhere at this point, and I couldn't breath. I whimpered, the knife getting closer to me. The man said something that I didn't hear as he laughed and raised the knife in the air. I closed my eyes, tears falling down uncontrollably.



"(Y/N)! WAKE UP!"


I opened my eyes quickly, sitting up instantly and breathing heavily, sweat falling down my forehead. I looked up and saw Serena, Bonnie, Clemont, and Ash looking at me with concern.

It was just a nightmare..

"Are you all right?" asked Ash, concern filling his voice.

"Y-yeah.. nightmare.." I said shakily.

"It's okay, (Y/N), you're okay now," he soothed, making me blush as he wrapped his arms around me.

I buried my head in his chest, and in a split second, tears were falling down my face. I never really cried in front of anyone, but I just couldn't help it anymore. Crying felt so incredible. It felt like as if a giant, heavy weight was finally taken away from my shoulders. I sobbed as I heard him whisper comforting words.

"It's okay.." he repeated over and over, and somehow, I believed that.


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