He's gone!

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As happy as ever, I come in from break with my best friend Layla. Alex runs to us as we walk through the door. Tears streaming down his face, red blotches bursting from cheeks. He buries himself in my shoulder and says "Archie's leaving!"

He uncovers his face from my shoulders floor as if I had a cramp in my le and runs to the bathroom. I had no words for this. I turned and pored my soul into layla's tits (coz i'm small) then I moved my head up a bit and cried into her shoulder. My heart had spilt into shards of glass! No weapon can even match the pain that you go through when u have your heart broken. Me and Layla went straight to the toilets and burst into tears. I dropped to the floor and felt like I was paralysed and punished. The first person ever, that really knows me was leaving! He wasn't gonna be there when I am going through a tough time. He won't be there to see anything that happens at School. 10 hours without. Him felt like 50 years. I saw him in the other end of the field. I slowly walked towards his direction then went a little faster then a little faster, then soon as you know I sprint across the whole field and give him the biggest hug possible. Tears fell from both of our eyes. It was silent. It felt like, I was home in his arms, I was safe! But then as soon as we let go, all the shares of glass stabbed my heart again. We sat on the cricket pavilion and talked for ages, talked about the 'good old days'. It seemed like hours we were talking so in depth so happy. Then the bell strooke. It was time for me and adam to go our separate ways.

Wednesday // the day he leaves- 4:00pm all cramped in the 'old hall' waiting for our parents. This was Adams last day! I couldn't believe it, he was going. We hugged for minutes, hours it seemed but really a few seconds. My mum was here to pick me up, I had to go...

That was the last time I saw him!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2018 ⏰

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