(Adams POV)
"Hey Adam!'whats up? Ready fort he first day of school? Again?!" My best friend Dylan said. I chuckled.
"No... After going to high school for 10 years, you get kind of sick of it." I say back
"You got that right! At least we'll ace all our classes!" He replied.
I know what your thinking. 'High school, for ten years? Yeah right!' Well you are right, it is a little sketchy to be in high school for ten years. The thing is, we're different. And not 'special' different mind you. We are just, different. We weren't held back, we are still 18 like the rest of the high schoolers, we'll at least, we look 18. See the thing is...
We're werewolves.
*the crowd gasps!*
I know, AMAZING, truly, but for us it's not that big of a deal. See mostly everyone in this town is a werewolf. Even the teachers, that's why they don't question us when we go to high school over and over, even though we have passed every time.
I told you we were different.
Anyways... Back on to the story.
"We are here dude, stop day dreaming." Dylan said hoping out of the car, I sighed and hopped out along with him. It was a beautiful day, yet it was chilly, it was about 65 degrees judging from my internal thermometer. (Joking I may be a werewolf, but I'm not a robot) I looked around the parking lot to see if there was anyone I know, then I saw her...
She was spectacular, even though I could only see her back her long tan legs were beautiful. She was wearing ripped shorts and a see through purple tank with a white spaghetti strap tank top underneath it. Her golden locks were in a tight, high pony tail. Then she tuned around.
Thats all that I can say. Her face was beautiful, her eyes were blue like the sea. There was kindness in them, but also hurt and pain. I wonder what had happened to her. Then I noticed I was staring, I curtly looked away. But not before noticing that she was shivering.
Great now i'll never be able to have her. She is mortal and werewolves can't marry mortals, much less date them! How do I know that she is a mortal, well you see, she was shivering, and immortals don't get cold, so they wouldn't need to be shivering.
Goddamn and I really wanted to get to know this girl! Well there is no rules about not being nice and generous to mortals. In fact, we had to be nice to them, it's against the werewolf law to be mean to them!
So I went over to her.
"Hey there." I said, trying to sound gruff and sexy, I'm pretty sure I failed miserably.
She blushed, "hi" She said back, she was so cute when she spoke. Now I wanted to get to know her even better.
"You look cold." I deadpanned. God! How not-flirty can you get!
"I kind of am." She blushed again. God! That blush though!
"well, um, here," I said shrugging off my jacket and giving it to her. She shook her head as she spoke, "I can't except, we just met."
"Consider it a 'I'd like to be your friend' gesture." I said, offering her the coat once more. She looked up at me one last time before grabbing the coat and putting it on.
"Now is that better?" I asked.
"Very." She said smiling at me. I can tell today was going to be a good day
Hey you guys, I'm writing this on a computer so I can't to the red paws I usually do up there ^
Anyways... How did you guys like it?
This one is a little longer then the last, But I couldn't seem to get my thoughts into words as you might have noticed. But overall, I'm happy with this chapter.
Comment your thoughts, and tell me if I have any spelling errors. Feel free to tell me the right way to write it. Constructive criticism is good! So give me some tips anything!
And that's it! Bye!

The way the wolf howls
Teen FictionBrooklyn just moved to a little town in Illinois because her mom died, her dad haven't been the same ever since. He started drinking and is a lot meaner now. To top it all of she's the new girl so she gets picked on at school. But that all changes w...