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"In the land of the blind the one-eyed man is king." Sanjit said.

"In the dark the one guy with a candle is an easy target," Sam countered.


"Yeah, because he new our lives would be really bad sometimes. Like maybe we'd be turned into a monster and then our best friend would get killed. So he made up this story about hell, so he could say, 'Well it could always be worse. it could be hell.' And then we'd keep going."



"Die here, Dekka. It's OK if you do. It's OK to just lie here in the dark and let your eyelids close, because there's nothing more to see, Dekka; do you hear me? Do you Dekka? Because there's nothing more for you but fear. And death is better because death is the end of fear, isn't it?

Quiet. Peace.

It wouldn't be suicide. That was was the thing you could never do, right? Never kill yourself. But let yourself go? Where was the sin in that?

You want me to explain how I could wish for that, God? Tell you what, hit the rewind button and play the last hour...no, no, the last, what's it been, almost a year?

Not even enough. Come on, God, you want to see, right? Have a good laugh. See what you did to me. Make me brave and then brake me. Make me strong and leave me weeping in the dirt.

Make me love and then...And then...

Just kill me, OK? I give up. Here I am. You can see in the dark, right, God?

Don't you have night-vision goggles? You know, the ones that make everything green and glowing? well strap them on and take a good long look at what you did.

See? See me here facedown in the dirt?

Can you here me?

Can you smell me? Cause when the fear had me I made a mess all over myself. fear does that, you know.

So, I beg of thee, all right? Oh, most high Lord: Kill me. Do I have to beg? Is that it? you get off on that? OK. I beg you to kill me."



"Not the point, that younger Sam had thought. The threat knows I'm helpless in the dark. So that's not the same.

It's not the same if the threat can see and I can't.

It's not the same if the threat knows it doesn't have to hide, but can make its move.

Useless to pretend the darkness isn't any different.

It's different.

'Did something bad happen to you in the dark, Sam?' They always wanted to know. Because they assumed all fear must come from a thing or a place. An event. Cause and effect. Like fear was part of an algebra equation.

No, no, no, so not getting the point of fear. Because fear wasn't about what made sense. Fear was about possibilities. Not things that had happened. Things that might.w



"To almost no one's surprise, Astrid said 'Dune, by Frank Herbert. "I must not fear. Fear is the mind killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone there will be nothing."'

She and Lana spoke together the last phrase of the incantation. ''"Only I will remain"''

There was a collective sigh almost a sob."

Lana and Astrid


Brianna: I've always thought of us as bad@$$ sisters



Brianna: I've made out with Jack a few times because I was bored.



Brianna: Yes, Yes I'll play myself in the movie. The Breeze is way beyond special effect.



Sanjit: It's not the monsters that are so completely different that are scary, it's the ones that are too humans.


"The gaiaphage. That's the other word they use. 'Gaia,' as in world. 'Phage,' as in a worm or something that eats something up. I'm going to go way out on a limb here and say I don't think something that calls itself a 'world eater' is a good thing."


22. "I've never been able to grow an organ back," Lana said. "Last time I tried... Let's just hope you don't end up with whip eyes."


23."You look scared Penny," he said.

That brought the hard look back to her face. "Get going, King Caine. I'm not afraid of anything." She laughed, suddenly delighted. "I don't have fear. I am fear!"

She liked it so much she repeated it, cackling like a mad creature. "I am fear!"


Penny said two words, the second of which was "you." Caine laughed. "I think you meant '---- you, Your Highness.


Things will be different this time," Caine said. "There was too much contention, too much violence the last time. I tried to be a peaceful leader. But thing went badly."

"I wonder why," Diana muttered.

"These people," Caine said grandly, sweeping his arm towards the town, "need more than a leader. They need...a king.










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