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"Tell her I'm sorry I broke my promise...i love her"

Sam Temple


"'Deep down, she's a good person, Diana is,' Caine said and sighed 'deep down I'm not. But she is'"

Caine Soren


"'Sam is going after Gaia and Drake alone? Hah. If I can't do it alone, neither can he.'

'He believes this.' (Toto)

'Not alone' Edilio said.

It took Caine a few beets to get it. 'No go kill yourself. Eat your own gun. No, No, no, no'"

Edilio, Caine, Toto


21. "She was no longer theirs.

She was his.

And he was hers.

And this was their world."



"All worth it, just to have loved and been loved by her."

Caine Soren


Sam's probably out there somewhere being his usual heroic self," Caine said. "I can't let that boy save the world all alone. I'd never live it down.


Caine tried to roll to his feet, but something was jabbing him in the crouch. He shook off the stars and saw Edilio standing over him. Edilio had the business end of his automatic rifle in a very sensitive place.

"If you move, Caine, I will shoot your balls off," Edilio said. "Toto?"

"He will," Toto said, "Although he's not sure it will be just your balls.


Say it. But..."

"But what?" he asked.

She whispered it, sounding too vulnerable. "But only if its the truth, Caine. Only. If."

"I love you," he said.


Come live with us, Diana. Don't argue. Just say yes."

Diana looked at the ground to hide her emotions. Then she said, "Would I have to be hearing you two going at it night and day?


Hello, Darkness," Caine said.

Gaia's face fell. Her bloody, feral grin faded to be replaced by lips drawn right with fear. Her killer blue eyes widened as she looked at Caine who was no longer Caine.

"Nemesis," Gaia said.


It's over, Sam. Finally."

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2014 ⏰

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