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Note: Codie and I have decided to start a new story based on MTV's Scream! This is a spin-off story based on Daisy and Brandon's story. In other words, it takes place long before our first Scream story. We hope you enjoy this story as well and don't forget to vote and comment to let us know what you think! You can find us both on twitter or tumblr!

I must warn you however that I am graduating college this semester so updates will be slow, sorry!

Be prepared for some major Romeo and Juliet vibes... xD


"Unless we wake up, and stop acting like this isn't murderville, we're all going to end up like Jake, and we'll deserve it." – Brooke Maddox

Lakewood survived five murder sprees in twenty years. Some residents started believing they were cursed. They could not see an end to the killings. Even when they thought they were safe, a phone ringing sent them into panic attacks. Some hated watching the news. Others dreaded checking social media for fear of seeing what the public said about their town.

One name made them run and sent their minds spinning. Citizens of Lakewood used the name when they had to, but it gave them chills. It scared them, but people on social media had no problem with the name. They did not fear it because they did not know Lakewood. They did not suffer through murder sprees. They did not have to see the mask in person.

Some moved away entirely to stop their fears. If they did not live in Lakewood, they never had to hear about that person ever again. They could stop fearing for their lives. Others stayed in Lakewood hoping the murders were finally over so they could move on. They already had one murder spree, it would not happen again. They already had two sprees, it would not happen again. They had three murder sprees, it was over now. They had four, this has to be the end of it. They had five, there are no more of them left in Lakewood. Each time they were wrong.

One person became famous for the murder spree that started it all. Lakewood always hated him. Students bullied him. They went out of their way to visit him at work, and played tricks so cruel they would not even dare to try it on their worst enemies. Adults avoided him in public, on the rare times he did step out in public. Even when they did not see him, they somehow always made him a topic of conversation. They wanted him gone. They did not know him, but they knew he had to be bad. He looked bad, and to them, looks were everything. When the first spree ended, everyone said he finally snapped. He had an obsession and it went too far. It was a shame it went that far. Someone should have tried to stop him.

Those that knew the story knew it did not begin with that one person. The real story began with two people. They were neighbors. They formed a friendship as children, which soon became something more. Those that knew them hated it. One could not fall in love with the other. It was not right. It was that love, the forbidden love that angered not the town, but one person in particular. The same man who, shocked by a betrayal, devised a plot to take away what those two people cared about: each other.

The story did not start with the mask. It did not even start with Brandon James. It started with Daisy, and the misunderstood boy next door.

Warning: This story is based off the MTV Scream series, but will also follow the story line Codie and I created in MTV Scream Season 3: If the Story Continued... If you have not read our story and you have only watched the show, there will be things in this story that do not entirely add up.

Trigger warning: This story may not be violent in the beginning, but it will end in a similar way to the series. It is a story based on a slasher show, after all, so keep that in mind.

Daisy (MTV Scream Spin-off)Where stories live. Discover now