My new home Part 1

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"i love you" i whisper to my mum i can see the transparet tear drops falling from her eyes " you too" she replies holing up a severly stained napkin.I got her it for mothers day, when i was five . I remeber jumping onto her bed at 5 in the morning , shaking her awake ,then i handed her the shitty preasent i bought her, the napkin. " i'm going to miss you so much, you know that right?"I nodded i tried to look as upset as possible but i dont think it worked , ive always been a bad actor, ever since i was little,i got kicked out of a school play once because of how horendous it was yet thats the reason why im leaving.I know weird right?

I gave my mum one last wave,jumpped in the cab and said goodbye to south london.The cab drive was going to be a draaag .The lonely looking man wasnt' the talkative type at all-infact he was the opposite.I sat on the damp back seat i clutched my plane tickets and my money,it wasnt much at all really just £20.00 for the can and a tenner to get a snack at the air port.I leaned back onto the head rest and listened to my music - IWSNT . Starring out the window, i reminised on my child hood...

Soon enough, we arived at the air port. " thats £30" said the taxi driver .'Great!' i thought- 'now i have nothing to eat for 12 hours' as i passed the money reluctantly to him.I wondered if US dollers would work on a TUI plane , it kind of made sense as we were flying to california, but knowing my luck they wouldnt.I reached into my scrummy pockets and rumaged around for any money but all i came out with was a creal bar (my mum must have stuck it in there in case of emergancy like now) , a charging case for my phone , and 50 p.I decieded to go into WHSmith and see if they had any cheap crisps or chocolate. As i walked in, i was overwhelmed by the welcoming smell of new books!!!!I gazed around widerously staring at all the books , but even if i had the money, i wouldnt have splashed out on a hardback novel( or books) because i had the perfect story in my bag '13 reasons why'.To be honset its getting kind of old now but i just love it , though its kinda gory but idc;)i picked up a plain dairy milk bar that was reduced for what ever reason and went to the counter,I wanted to peel it open but decided to put it in my hand luggage for the plane and just eat my granola bar for now.

Security was a breeze and i got through it easy as ever.I guess im just to hot.JK if you could see me you would know that it was an obvious joke.I often get compared to velma of 'scooby doo' and i can totally see it, short brown bob, large glasses, not to mention my tiny hieght like her. I guess i kind of act like her aswell in the sense thta i try hard at school but i do not have good grades.Put it this way, my hiegst ever score is 5/10:(

i starrred out onto the runway and nervously watch all the planes fly off,it was the first time i had ever flew alone- an i was petrified.With the thought still floating around my head , a speaker anouced that my flight was now boarding.Worriedly, i stepped through the security and boarded the plane.Sat right next to the window,I stared out- 'this is the start of my new life'...

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2018 ⏰

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