The Sequel, part 2

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The sequel

The beach tripening part 2

Hello again beloved and appreciated readers. It is I, the author, here to tell all of you readers to fasten your seat belts and lower your tray tables because it's going to be a bumpy ride. Thank you and have a wonderful day/night depending on your timezone.


Beach trip tip 4- The beach. Alright muchachos- before you and your gang have a gnarly time, make sure to put on some sunscreen and set up your beach supplies in a killer spot on the sand!


Lost Silver: Ugh, this is taking forever! When are we supposed to get there?

Bloody painter/ Helen Otis: In about.. *Looks at watch* Hey, we should've been there an hour ago...

Jane: Are you sure you know where we're going, Toby?

Ticci Toby: Absolutely! I've been following the map the whole time!

Jeff: Yeah Jane, stop accusing Toby of things he hasn't done!

Ticci Toby: Yeah! Stop it Jane!

Jeff: Toby here is doing a great job at navigating and getting us to the beach!

Ticci Toby: Navigating!

Jeff: *Points accusing finger* If anything.. YOU'RE the reason we aren't at the beach yet!

Ticci Toby: This is all your fault, Jane!

Jane: Woah, I'm sorry, how is any of this MY fault?

Ticci Toby: How is any of this her fault!?

Jeff: YOU are the woman of temptress, JANE!

Ticci Toby: TEMPTRESS!

Jeff: You and your idiotic sun dress and dumb matching sun hat are distracting Toby with seduction!

Ticci Toby: SE-DUC-TION!

Jeff: Because of your seductive lady face and lady things, Toby is way behind schedule!


Jeff: You and your blasphemous sun accessories are causing poor innocent Toby to be distracted while driving!

Ticci Toby: DiSTRACTED WHILE DRI- Hey wait a second, I'm not the one driving..

Jeff: AND IT'S YOUR- Wait what.

Ticci Toby: You banned me from driving after the Chuck-E-Cheese incident, remember?

Jeff:.... Who's driving the RV?

Ticci Toby: Masky and Hoodie.

Jeff:...... And do they have the map?

Ticci Toby: No, I do. I have the map.

Jeff:.... Do Masky and Hoodie know how to get to the beach?

Ticci Toby: Nope, probably not.

Jeff:.... Why do you have the map, Toby?

Ticci Toby: I wanted to feel like I'm helping.


Eyeless Jack: Son of a bi-


Beach trip tip 5- The water. Get ready kids! It's time to hit the water! Don't worry if it's too cold- it'll warm up eventually if you swim around in it! Time to bring out the boogie-boards and inner tubes and do the hula!


Masky: Yeah, I have no idea where we are..

Hoodie: *Rummaging through glove box* Argh.. I've been looking for the darn map for an hour! So far there's nothing!

Masky: Do you think we left it at home?

Hoodie: I could've sworn we packed it, dude... Oh wow, this is one crazy glove compartment..

Masky: Really? What's so crazy about it?

Hoodie: Well, there's so much stuff in it for starters. Check it, like twenty CDs, a pair of ironic gloves, two packs of tissues, some gum packets, and a bunch of other stuff..

Masky: Anything else that makes it so darn crazy, Hoods?

Hoodie: Well, it's huge! Biggest one I've ever seen!

Masky: That's what she said.

Hoodie: *Feeling glove box interior* It feels so soft yet rugged.

Masky: That's what she said.

Hoodie: It looks like it can take in so much!

Masky: That's what she said.

Hoodie: Although, it seems like kind of a tight fit..

Masky: That's what he said.

Hoodie: What.

Masky: What.


Masky & Hoodie: Nope.



Beach trip tip 6- Food. If you and the crew decide you guys gotta hankering for hungries- Look no further than the beach! Often times, beaches have a little restaurant where you can get all kinds of bodacious munchies! Or if you and your gang had the epic idea of throwing together a ham-sam for when you hit the sand, then dig in! But always make sure to properly dispose of your trash and to not feed the wildlife!


BEN_Drowned: What do you mean we're lost?!?

Jeff: It means that SOMEONE *Glaring at Toby* decided to steal the map and the proxies were just driving with no idea where to go!

Toby: Ugh! *Leans over to EJ* That sounds like a total jerk move!

Sally: So are we gonna get to the beach, Jeff?

Jeff: Of course, sweetie- We just need to find out where we are!

Masky & Hoodie: *Rummaging through various maps*

Masky: *Nudges Hoodie*

Jeff: I promise you, Sally.

Hoodie: *Looks at Masky's map*

Jeff: That by the power vested in me.

Masky & Hoodie: *Nervous nod of understanding and agreement*

Jeff: And by the power vested in all those Guy Fieri shows I watch. That we WILL. Get. To. The beach. *Stands up all proud and awesomely*

Masky: Yo, Jeff- we're in the middle of Dead Man's desert on the other side of the state.

Jeff:....Eventually. We'll get to the beach...

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