The Sequel, part 3

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The Sequel

The Beach Tripening part 3

Hello again beloved readers. Author here- I hope you enjoy the third installment in this story, I also hope you decide to vote and comment on said story as well. Thank you and have a wonderful day/night, depending on your timezone. Enjoy~


Beach trip tip 6- The heat. If you're out in the sun- it's gonna be wicked fire bro! So make sure you and your squad drip-down on the drip-dranks y'all! Stay hydrated and try to stay in the shade to keep cooler than a snowcone.



Hoodie: *At a safe distance* Technically, we're two fifths of a mile from the middle..

Jeff: *Puts hands out to the sides* Alright, it's cool. Don't worry- we can just turn around and drive back. No problem.

Bloody painter/ Helen Otis: *Inside truck, leaning out of window* That's easier said than done, Jeff- We're almost out of fuel!

Jeff: Well-.....

Jane: Well, what?!

Jeff: He said "Almost"! Meaning that there is still just enough to get us back home!

Bloody painter/ Helen Otis: No- I said "Almost", as in we can drive five feet forwards.

Jeff: Or backwards! Don't forget backwards!

Masky: How on earth will driving backwards help us in this situation?

Jeff: Then it'll put us THREE fifths of a mile closer to the middle! *Taps side of head* Common sense, Timothy!

Hoodie: Jeff- we're trying to get OUT of the desert, not closer to it. Remember?

Jeff: *Punches Hoodie in the gut, causing him to double over in pain* Way to be pessimistic! Hoodithy!

Hoodie: *Lying on the ground, holding back tears* Th-that's not even a n-name..

Eyeless Jack: Well can we at least get back into the RV? I'm dying out here!

BEN_Drowned: *Lying on the road* I'm StArTiNg To HaLlUcInAtE oVeR hErE.

Jeff: Fine! Fine! We can make a plan in there!


Beach trip tip 7- The Burns. Oh no, I'm not ticka-talkin' about insicka-sultin'! I'm talking about Sunburns, nature's buzzkill. To avoid getting sunburns, make sure you cover up your birthday suit with extra strong sunscreen and to re-apply when necessary!


Jeff: *Rolls out map onto RV table* Ok- we are here *Puts finger on map* and the beach is.... *Drags fingers across map 10 inches to opposite side* here.

Eyeless Jack: Actually Jeff, *Moves Jeff's hands away* that's a lake- the map is still folded up. *Grabs map and unfolds it fully* See? *Places it back onto table* We're here, *Points to desert* and the beach is waaaaaaay *drags finger 2 feet across map* over here.

Jeff:... Okay, so we have a bit more driving to do.. But it's cool! No worries! We're okay! We have plenty of water, plenty of food. We'll be fine, we just have to call a tow truck.

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