The Sequel, part 4

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The Sequel

The Beach Tripening part 4

Just a heads up that I've decided to start bolding lines and stuff to make it easier to read I guess. Thank you and enjoy~


Beach trip tip 10- The Seashells. What's cracka-licka-lackin' home-buns? At any beach you go to, there's bound to be tons of seashells! But here's the scoop- most "shells" that you can buy at stores and in gift shops were most likely taken from a living, breathing animal that was killed so it's shell could be gussied up for the sake of knick-knacking novelties! In my (Non)professional opinion, that's wick-whacking cruelty! Don't buy gift shop shells folks!


Everyone: *Walking along road still*

Lost Silver: I spy with my little eye, something.... gray.

Ticci Toby: The sky?

Lost Silver: No..

Bloody painter/ Helen Otis: The road?

Lost Silver: No..

Sally: The back of EJ's neck?

Lost Silver: No..

Ticci Toby: Well I give up, what is it?

Lost Silver: Jeff's pit-stains.

Jeff: Stop oogling my pits you ampu-pikachu!

Lost Silver: Well the only other things even remotely oogle-able are BEN's slow descent into madness, LJ's melting ice cream face and Helen's ass.

Bloody painter/ Helen Otis: I'm taking that as a compliment.

Hoodie: Well, as long as we're all walking together. We should probably come up with a backstory.

Laughing Jack: What?

Hoodie: A backstory! You know, to tell the employees so we don't look too suspicious?

Ticci Toby: Why do we have to not look suspicious?

Hoodie: Ok- theoretical situation here. Toby, you are working the night shift at a gas station. Now su-

Ticci Toby: What? No I'm not..

Hoodie: It's theoritical, Toby.

Ticci Toby: Oh.

Hoodie: Now, say you're working the anchor watch and su-

Jane: I thought it was a gas station?

Hoodie: What, yeah it is?

Jane: Oh, because the term "anchor watch" is misleading.

Eyeless Jack: What even is that?

Hoodie: It means "night shift" basically.

Bloody painter/ Helen Otis: Why didn't you just say "night shift" then?

Sally: What are we talking about?

Hoodie: Whatever- okay, you're on the night shift and suddenly this group of people walk into the store.

Masky: Gas station.

Hoodie: Whatever,

Eyeless Jack: Who goes into a gas station in the middle of the night?

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