chapter one: The Beginning

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Hundreds of years ago before steam was used in machines and knights fought for honor and glory, a ship the size of mount Everest descends from earth's atmosphere. A thunders crash is heard as it crashes into a mountain in northern europe, King arthur and his knights watch in awe as they see this magnificent craft crash. "What is that thing!?" shouted one of his knights. "I don't know?" he replies, "Merlin what do you think it is?" he asks the warlock at his side. "I do not know my king but i believe it's worth investigation." Merlin replies while running his fingers through his beard in deep thought. Arthur agrees with merlin, "Right, let's move it landed neer storm pass." Arthur and his knights follow the trail of fire and upturned earth, all the while at the crash site a piece of the side is slowly at first shifting till a annoyed sigh is heard and the metal is blasted away from the entrance of the ship. "Blasted flying machine!" The tall metal figure sayed in frustration. "I absolutely hate flying, it is just not right." he continued to say. "Well it would be more enjoyably if you learned how to fly strait, jackway!" a female voice said from within the ship, as she step outside with the male metal being. "well excuse me but I like my peds on solid ground!" Jackway contered. The female slip lead rolled her eyes at him. "Where are we anyway?" Jackway asked. "I don't know?" The female sad looking off to one side of the ship, "But i think they might know." she said pointing at the riding humans in the distance. "Think there friendly?" Jack way asked drawing his crossbow like guns holding them in his surves at his side. "We're about to find out." the female answered placing a servo on her she shed dagger at her hip. As Arthur and his knights neared they were amazed at what they saw there stood to giant metal beings, some of Arthur's knights noticed the weapons they cared and drew their own. "Sheath your swords." Arthur ordered his knights. "We come in peace." the female said to them. "My name is sunflare, and my son jackway." Arthur was surprised that they could talk. "My name is King Arthur and these are my knight along with my friend and adviser Merlin." Arthur replied. "It is a pleasure to meet you KIng Arthur." sun flare greated, not truly knowing what king meant. "Where did you come from." asked Merlin, "or what are you? exactly." "we are cybertronians from the planet cybertron." Sun Flare answered, "Your from another world?" Arthur said surprised, "That is amazing!" he exclaimed after a few moments of silence. sun flare and jackway looked at each other obviously not expecting them to believe them. "Yes I can you can say that." Jackway said. "we were searching for energon are life blood when an asteroid struck are navigation and we crash landed on your world." Sunflare explained. "That is most unforchant, is there any way we could help you?" Arthur asked. "No I'm afraid not the ship is far too damaged to fix even if we had the tecnolog to do so." Jackway said sadly. "Then you and your mother are welcomed in my castle and we may be able to help you possible locate this energon that you menched?" Arthur envited. Sun Flare and jackway looked at each other again before sunflare replied back "That would be most appreciated, It would seem that luck is still somewhat on are side according to my scanners this planet is ripe with energon." "Then it's sealed" Arthur exclaimed clamping his hands together, "You will accompany us back to my castle where we will discuss this energon and how to obtain it." he said wile jestering in the direction of his castle. "This way." He said as he and his knights head off, with the two cybertronians following closely.


Present time.

Jack opened his eyes as the bell rang. He sighed as he gathered his history books and stuffed them in his backpack before leaving the classroom. 'It was so much easier with arthur and his knights.' he thought as he exited the school. 'sometimes i wish things could go back to the way they where.' he continued to think as he walked to his work at the ko Burger joint that he used to help his mom pay the bills. 'if only there were others like them than this world would finally be ready to band together and search the stars.' He put his aprean and ko burger hat on, and walked over to the drive thru window. 'well here's another day in Paradise.' After his shift he began cleaning up when he got a energon spike on his seanseres, 'that's odd' he thought as he carefully walked outside to investigate. as he opened the door to the fast food restaurant he saw a seemingly normal blue motorcycle, now if he were human than he would have been drooling over this amazing voice, but since he was cybertronian he saw exactly what the motorcycle truly was. he actually got closer to the cycle as he scanned the surrounding area for any more signals. Arcee was wondering what this human was doing he seemed to be studying her warily as if he knew she wasn't really a motorcycle, she demanded that thought for he was probably just admiring her and was fearful that her 'owner' would come back and yell at him. jack bent over and examined the cybertronian closure, He spotted the autobot sembule and asked out loud, "What is this?" he ran his fingers over the symbol, "what does it stand for?" he continued to ponder and because he was so deep in thought he was unaware of the two approaching cons. 'scrap!' Arcee cursed as they spotted her and roared their engines, bringing jack out of his mind. "Hop on!" Arcee ordered. Jack acting on instinct quickly jumped and straddled her seat as she spread out of the parking lot with the cons close behind. "Who are you?" Jack asked the motorcycle. "Not important right now!" arcee yelled as she swerved avoiding the cons fire. 'well it would appear that me and my mom aren't the only cybertronians on this world anymore.' jack said to himself as he and arcee continued to avoid the blaster fire until they reached a bridge where arcee jumped down it to. As they landed jack hopped off knowing that she was going to transforme. and sure enough she did. Jack was for lack of words dufonded at how beautiful she looked. 'dang this is what I have missed on vyberton?' he asked himself, 'I am again regretting accepting that mission' "This is for clife!" Arcee yelled as she charged the two cons who they themselves transformed and charged. 'she needs my help' he thought as he saw the two cons smack her to the ground hard. jacks eyes began to glow and with a powerful yell charged the to cons as he revealed his true form, A sleek silver armor with a red crest of king arthur on his chest. "don't you know it rude to beat a woman." he said as he slammed one of the cons across the viser with his fist, The cons to shocked to react was sent flying into the semant cron knocked out cold. The second recover quickly and tried to rack its claws acros jacks face but jack saw it coming and quickly deflected the claw and sent his fist right throw the cons chassy. the cons viser glowed red for a second longer before off lining. jack removed his fist and allowed the con to fall at his peds, swiftly he turned around and help arcee to her feet. "Are you alright my lady?" he asked concerned. Arcee stunned buy what happened just stared at him. 'well i think i broke her.' he thought, 'moms going to kill me.' arcee recovering from her shock replied quickly "i'm fine but where.." before she could finish though there was a bright green flash of to the side, jack instinctively activated his cavalry shield and longsword stepping in front of arcee protectively. Arcee surprised again by his actions gave him a questioning look before focusing on the ground bridge. Out cam bubble be who activated his weapons upon appearance who was followed closely by bulked also onlining his weapons. finally between the two Optimus appeared activating his sowred and blaster, the bots then proceeded to point there weapons at jack who shouted "come at thee flowers for you shl test my steel!" he prepared to charge but was stopped by arcee "Whait! there Autobots there friendly!" Jack looked to here and then at the others noticing the same symbol on them as they wore on arcee he deactivated his weapons and stuffed up street. "I apologies friends." he said sorrowfully. "I did not release." "It is alright" optimus said also downing his weapons. "I thank you for adding my second in command" he thanked jack. "It was my pleasure...uh" jack replied releasing he didn't know his name. "Sorry but i seem to have forgotten my manners." he said recovering from his lack of speech. "My name is Sir jackway knight of King Arthur of the round table." he said proudly. "I am optimus prime leader of the autobots." optimus replied though cares about who this king arthur was. Any other introductions were cut short by sirens in the distance. "We must evacuate. Autobits gather the remains of the veicons and return to base." optimus order, bumblebee and bulkhead hurriedly ran to the two cons who where down not relishing that one was still alive and had just woken up. Seeing the two autobots nearing him he quickly transformed and screeched away. Bumblebee started to try and chase him but was stopped by optimums."Let him go we must leave before the humans discover us." Bumblebee beeped his understanding and proved to help bulkhead with the other downed con. optimums turned to jack "I ask that you come with us." Jack looked at the portal and than at optimums and then in the direction of the quickly approaching sirens, his mind made up he looked back at optimums and nodes before following arcee through the bridge.

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