A New team

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Passing through the green portal jack felt his tanks turn and he feared he would purge but he kept his calm endeavor. As he and arcee came to the other side he saw that what appeared to be in a underground base, as he examined the base optimus came through the portal and it automatically shut down. "was anyone injured?" ratchet asked from the controls of the bridge. "no old friend just minor scratches." optimus replied to his friend. "Thank primus." ratchet said turning to jack. "and who are you?" ratchet said snappishly. jack ignored the rude question but still answered, "Sir Jackway Knight of king Arthur." Ratchet looked confused. "and who might he be?" Jack looked at the others and notice that they held the same question as there medic. "you don't know of Arthur? how could you not! he is King the greatest man to walk the earth!" jack said proud to praise his king. "You reviedl yourself to a human!" ratchet all but shouted. "yes" he said. "who else did you show yourself to!" ratchet continued to shout. "why my king and his subjects of course after all i was the knight who fought and protected then." jack said not liking how rachet continued to shout. ratchet was know fuming, "what is a knight." bulkhead asked trying to understand what was being said. "I am a knight along with my brothers and mother, Knights are protectors of the weak and concealers of the king." jack said respectfully."wait theres are there cybertronians on earth." arcee said astonished. "yes we are few but we are still strong." "but how have we not seen them or at least picked them up on are scanners." Ratchet said calmer than he was before after researching who king arthur was on his console. "you've obviously been her for far longer than us if you were in this planets medieval age." ratchet continued. "we have remained hedone and separated to both hide are signatures and to protect mankind." jack said simple. Ratchet scoffed "Then why aren't you helping us against the decepticons?" jack looked at rachet confused "I do not know who this decepticons are" he said politely, "But i presume that the ones i fought today are the decepticons?" he asked them. "Yes, they have come to earth in search of energon." optumes answered. "Then i must apologise for myself and my knights, we have not seen cybertron for a very long time and do not know of its war." jack said soberly, "We left cybertron in search of energon, if we had known that a war was approaching we would have stayed." he said. "You are not at fault no one could have predicted megatron's intentions." optems replied. "What matters is that you are here and now have the chance to end this hored war." Jack looked at optems with determination before drawing his sword and kneeling before the prime. "Then I give you my loyalty and that of my fellow knights." he said boldly head bowed before looking back up at the prime staring at him in the optics. "We will gladly fight and die for you and are home." "arise jackway, there is much that requires explanation of are home in your absence." optems said sadly.


time skip

"cybertron is gone?" jack said sadly after hearing what happened to his old home after the he left. Arcee was deep in thought when she remembered the human that was with her. "Srap!" she cursed allowed. "Optimus this may not be the best news but while i was being chased by the cons a human boy spotted me and the cons began chasing us both." Optimus looked concerned, "Do you know what happened to him after the battle. "I don't i was kinda beast." She said looking down embarrassed at her mess up. "do not worry i saw the human escape in a sewage pipe" jack said covering for himself. "he was most likely frightened of us and saw his chance to escape." "HMmm" optems thought after hearing jacks explanation, "We must locate this human before the decepticons go looking for him." Ratchet look up from his control panel at his leaders statement "optimus you can't be serious!" he exclaimed, "Allowing a human to be involved with us is dangerous." "I'm afraid that he may already be, the decepticons clearly witnessed the boy interacting with arcee and took it as a sign of allegiance." optems re "Bumblebee find the human and bring him hear " -ok optimus!- bee chirped happily transforming and roaring out off the base exit. optams turned back to jack "Where are your fellow knight now jackway." Jack smiled "THere on there way now." "Paspasterish the base is shielded." ratchet said smugly, "We knights are connected in more ways than one" jack replied. ratchet hufed. "When will they arrive?" optimus ascend ignoring ratchets rude behavior. "They will be here in the morning." optames nodead and head off in the direction of his corters to file a report. Arcee looked at her leaders receding form before returning her gaze back to jack, "What did you do under the human arthur?" She asked curiously. "We knights fought battles with him, and kept the peace across the land." Jack said proudly. Arcee looked horrified, "You killed humans." Jack frowned. "Yes" "what but there human you can't just kill them!" arcee said angerly, "We had no choice it was ether arthur and his people or them." jack said with a faraway look. "There must have been another way!." arcee pressed. Jack now downed a scowl "You weren't there you didn't hear the screams of invents and the cries of the mothers trying to sooth them as the enemy approaches ready to slaughter their husbands and then there children and themselves! you can not judge our actions when we saw the enemy slater without remorse and without mercy!" jack sayed comly but anger was clearly heard in his voice. arcee looked horrified at the thought even on cybertron she new no such hoere it had always been her and the cons now sparklings or careers being threaten. it was always her and her comrades fighting for their lives against the everlasting waves of cons. jack comed down "We are sorrowful for what we were forced to do." he looked down remembering the battles he fought with his kin and king. he looked back up and continued "But we would do it again and again. if it meant saving innocence." Arcee looked at jack with a new found wave of respect. "I'm sorry." she said softly before looking down. "It's...alright." he said "I understand how you must have thought of me killing humans." arcee looked back up and gave a small smile. Jack smiled back "Want to hear of some of my adventures not all of them ended with human death." he said excitedly, arcee's smile grew bigger"I would like that." she said quietly, "Yahoo! war stories!" bulkhead said excitedly, "now they aren't war story bulkhead, there adventures of mine that i gained during my time under king Arthur." Jack explained chuckling at the bots excitement. "Eh same thing" bulkhead said shrugging his shoulders. jack shook his head and began his story. as he told his tale he couldn't help thinking 'it seems that there's a new team on earth' he smiled 'I hop there ready'

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