Decepticon scum!

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" the room began to fall apart Arthur and his knights began to run out of the room, I was having trouble trying to avoid the rocks as well as trying to save the holy grail but there was too much styling going on so it was very difficult i almost gave up hop until i finally got a grip and speed as fast as my peds culd cry me out of the tomb." jack said breathlessly as he told his tail of the holy grail, "where is the holy grail now." Arcee asked, "It is hidden along with the other treasures of king arthur." Jack replied, "Artur deemed that the world was not ready for such powerful artifacts and therefore interested me and my brothers in garding them until he returned and deemed the world ready." "But isn't artur dead?" Bulck said qustionaly, "Yes and no." Jack replied. "Artur died at the blade of mordred but murlin took him to the lady of the lack who is guarding him and we know that he will return in are darkest hour." Jack said with a faraway look, "But how can a hum..." ratchet began to qustion until he was interrupted by a screeching of tires. every one in the command center turned toward the entrance to the base as bumblebee came screeching into the base, "Bulb;eevee must i remind you how hard it is to clean those scorch marks of the floor?" Ratchet snapped looking at the marks on the base floor, "Yahoo! that was awesome can we do it again!" A female voice yelled out as she exited the yellow dot alt form. Every one stared at hear with confusion. "I thought the human you entered was male?" bulkhead asked looking at arcee. "Um...I think you mean me," Human jack said stepping out of bumblebee. After jack stepped out a small boy stepped out as well allowing bumblebee toy transformer. "I thought there was only supposed to be one human?" ratchet said confused, -haven't you heard ratchet humans multiply.- bumblebee beeped. "grate just when i thought we would have troubles with one human two more appear!" ratchet said to himself eagerly, "and pray how tell did you encounter two other humans?" ratchet asked as kindly as possible, -well i found the boy but when i tried to get him to hop in he just looked at me funny, and the other boy over heard me and understood me so I decided to take him to seans he knew what i was but then the female came out of Nowhere and started asking questions and i kinda just decided to grab them all.- bee said hardly looking everywhere but in the direction of the medicine. Rachedt clenches his fists and stormed over to his consul and began typing fast, mumbling the hole way. "Well looks like we got three humans now." bulkhead said stepping closer to inspect the humans, "Who, are you truck?! i beat your a monster Truck!" miko shoughted, "Uh.." bulkhead looked to the others for help on what to do. He was about to reply when there was thunders foot steps coming from the opposite hallway, optems appeared in the doorway, "My name is optimus prime leader of the atobots." he introduced himself to the kids. "where did you come from?" raf asked curiously, "We are from the planet cybertron." Optems ansered, " Why are you here?" human jack asked, "energon is are life force and this planet is full of it, we came to claim it but also to protect the inhabitants of this planet." "From who?" Raf asked frightened, "decepticons, a warring faction of are home world." Optems said sadly, "We have been at war with them for milenia, and know that are home planet is uninhabitable it has stretched outside of are home." "Why are we here?" raf asked "The decepticons may have mistaken you as are allies and so you might be in danger so until other alternatives arise you will be assigned a guardian." optames stated. "Wo cool!" miko shouted, she ran up to bulkhead "Hi! my names miko! what's your name!?" she asked huredly "Uh..bulkhead?" he sayed unsure of what to do, "So awesome!" she exclaimed, "Can you be my guardian!?" she asked excitedly, Bullhead looked at his leader for permission, "Bulkhead you shall stay with miko." he ordered with a small smile, "Bumblebee you shall stay with the younger human." he ordered the muscle car, -all right!- bumblebee cheered as he and raf began talking about his toy car that looked like bumblebee, "Arcee you shall take the older human" Optimus ordered, arcee looked shocked, "What? but optimus I..." Jackway stepped forward, "If I may be so bold optimus I have experience with humans so wouldn't it be better if he where paired with me?" Jackway asked, Arcee gave him a thankful look, Optimus shook his head, "I have another task for you." Otpimus sayed, arcee looked up to otpimus pleadingly, optimus ignored her, human jack walked up to her, "Um uuuu...Hello my name's jack." he sayed nervously, arcee looked down at him annoyed, "Just great put on sparkly duty" Arcee mumbleed, jackway gave her a apolestic look, "Jackway" Optimus called, Jackway looked to the prime, "You have stated that other vybertronins are on there way here, I would wish that they meet at these coordinates" Optimus sayed showing jackway a set of coordinates, jackway stared at them for a few seconds before replying, "There are heading there now." He sayed, Optimus node his head, "Autobots" He called gaining there attention, "We will meet with Jackways team in a few moments prepare to roll out." He ordered, "yes sir" They called as they began checking there armor and energon supplies, "Ratchet open the bridge." He ordered, "Opening now" Rachet replied, the bridge bursting to life, "Autobots Transform and roll out!" He called as he transformed into a red and blue Semi. Arcee, bulkhead, and bumblebee transforming into there alts Jackway waited patiently, "No alt mode?" Arcee asked from her bike from, "never required one" He sayed simple, "We will have to fix that" Ratchet mumbled. "That may be but for now you will accompany us on foot." Optimus sayed, jackway noded."Awsom! can we come?" Miko asked excitedly, Optimus thought this through, "Very well" He sayed, "yes!" Miko cheered as she jumped into bulkheads alt, raf into bumblebees, Human jack looked to arcee "Uuuu" He began scratching his neck nervously, "Just hop on kid" Arcee sayed annoyed, Jack nodded and hoped on. "Let's roll" Optimus sayed as he speed through the bridge the others following one after the other.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2018 ⏰

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