The Lotus...

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Show me a man, wise as an infant.
I'll show you a youth who's not an infant.
Life can never be on its own.
It carries along with itself, Attachments.
These attachments become an unending circle put together by man's ambiguity.

Finding an easy way is never life's challenge.
Finding a lasting way is its cross. A journey, not all are used to but must adapt to.
The intricacies of life have reduced its meaning to mere survival
Values are but a colourful painting of another's dream of his reality.

Staring at this broad canvas
In itself, can leave one confused.
Outside the stress, it can humiliate
Even the wise.
That's why, some who once lived, believe the very way to beat this challenge called life, it's to be an artist in your own right.
However Strokes the brush goes,
Can be meaningful as time goes. 
It doesn't matter how the brush looks
Or what shapes it takes...
What's most important, is the Art you create... 

See not your life as your own,
View it as a piece to becoming your own.
Struggle not with its attachments
Flow with the rhythm and focus your strength on things that can change only when you rest.

The beauty of it all lies in its attachments. Interlocking in itself,
Forming a portrait of man's birth.
Even you cannot contend.
Each line has its own vibrations.
Our duty is not to its vibrations;
Less we lose the rhythm, focusing on the distractions caused by life's vibrations.

Your duty is to follow the rhythm.
Be your own artist as you have a blank canvas for a beautiful painting yet to be.
Everything is Art.

Even the science of life is Art itself.
Never forget the rhythm, be one with yourself.

My thoughts go on,
only if you're faithful to reading...
And keen to understanding...

Take an hour or so.
Meditate on these words
Rediscover the dream you once were
Reinvent the meaning you once lived
Understand the beauty that lies within.

Just flow with the rhythm...

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