Chapter 1

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I descended the staircase. For a moment, there was absolute silence. You could hear the sound of my heel as it landed on the next step. Those who had gathered for this moment finally laid eyes on the most powerful woman on the Island of Zayem; unmarried nobles and princes appreciated a potential wife, whilst married gentleman simply appreciated. Their wives, on the other hand, did nothing of the sort.

It was not long before the room broke out into applause, which gave rise to an expected smile on my dainty face. More applause. I employed all the qualities needed for my position: intelligence, grace, beauty, and brilliant intuition. My whole life had been spent training for this very day. I knew I was ready.

As I moved off the last step and onto the marbled floor of the ballroom, eyes did not waver from my face or body. The flickering lights danced away from the hundreds of candle-flames around the room to bounce off the intricate beading that hugged my arms, spread down my chest, becoming less clustered until halting at my knees. The fabric hugged my petite frame from shoulder to knee, where it flared out to the ground; its deep red colour harsh against my seemingly translucent skin and hair like the petals of a daisy.

I came to a stop next to the King of Zayem. My King. He looked down at me with his usual stern gaze, then to his right at the taller woman next to him. The crowd went silent to listen to him speak.

"Firstly," King William's deep voice echoed throughout the once-again silent hall, "I would like to thank those of you who have travelled to the Island of Zayem for tonight's ceremony; especially our friends from the Island of Acton, who have had the longest journey." He paused as everyone lifted their glasses in acknowledgement of His Grace's thanks and as a sign of appreciation for the invite.

"As all of you know," he continued, "Tonight is a very memorable occasion. It is bittersweet to both end one's duty to the Island and start another's. Aria has been by my side for nine years now," He gestured with his full glass of wine to the other woman, whose plump lips parted in a kind smile. "Zayem would not be the way it is today without her, and we will be forever grateful for her service."

The room broke out into a soft applause. Aria's piercing blue eyes hit the ground as she dipped her head in thanks, a few strands of mousey brown hair falling into her face. I admired her. For two years I had envied her, anxiously awaiting my turn to take over her duty. Now that I was here, standing in front so many faces, some covered in excitement, others frowning, fearing what potential this new girl might have; I didn't regret wanting this. Envying her. I was simply nervous, although I wouldn't let that show. Nerves, after all, only stopped you from thinking logically and acting quickly; two things I needed to be able to do at the snap of King William's fingers.

"Isabella," King William now addressed me after taking a sip from his glass, "I am confident that your training has fully prepared you for this, and I would like to be the first to formally congratulate and welcome you."

"Thank you, Your Grace," A few people let out excited gasps as my voice was heard for the first time. I made sure it was loud enough to be heard but not too loud that I appeared too confident.

"Aria, you may now pass over your duty to Isabella," the King said as he stepped backwards, leaving Aria and I to turn to face each other.

Aria smiled down at me before she dipped her head and lifted her hands to unclasp the chain that hung around her neck. I turned around so she could lift the necklace over my head, letting the dazzling blue stone rest in the small dip at the base of my neck. The official sign of my position.

"Congratulations, Isabella" she whispered before stepping away, allowing the King to take up his original position.

"I would like to officially introduce you all to the breath-taking..." King William suddenly smiled. "Looker Isabella of the Island of Zayem!"


Four years earlier:

"I don't want to do this anymore!" I cry out, running my frustrated hands through my hair. I stare down at the countless small portraits of powerful individuals from across the Islands. "I can't learn who every single one of these people are. It's not possible! How is one person supposed to know every single detail about hundreds of different people?"

"Stop complaining," Mercy folds her arms across her chest and narrows her eyes down at me. "It is a lot of information, but that's why you have years to learn it all. You don't have to do this overnight."

"It's too much," I lean back in my chair, trying to put distance between myself and the portraits. "I just don't see the point."

Wrong response. Mercy's arms move to place her hands heavily on her hips as her nostrils flare. "You don't see the point? My dear, you are going to be the King of Zayem's most trusted advisor. In fact, some say your position holds even more political power than the King himself. You need to be able to make decisions about wars, disputes, come up with solutions to crises in the villages, and take full control of the Island in the King's absence. Your voice is the one that mumbles in the King's mind, your decisions are the ones he carries out, and you're telling me you don't see the point of your fucking training?"

"I-I'm sorry, Mercy," I blink a few times, shocked by her sudden rage. "I didn't choose my words correctly."

The aging woman sighs, "Did you mean to say something else then?"

"I just-" I trip over my words. "I suppose I don't see why the King can't do this all himself. Being a Looker seems... very difficult. We spend our whole childhood being taught to act a certain way, forced to learn absolutely everything about... well, everything; and we can't even take a husband until we've fulfilled our duty, when we're too old to be appealing to most men. It just seems as though we do so much, give up so much, and the King is the one who calls the shots in the end."

"Oh, Isabella," Mercy sits down next to me. "In theory, you're right. King William will have the final say on everything, but the point of this training is to make sure he'd be a fool not to follow your lead behind closed doors. The point of being a Looker is not to get recognition for your hard work. Honestly, to the common folk you're just a pretty girl who helps the King decide which crops to plant and who plays with the royal children. You need to realize that this duty is not actually to your king, but to your Island. You need to make sure that the people of Zayem are safe. Always."

I nod up at her, thankful that she has gone back to the kind woman I've come to know and love over the years. "Now," she stands back up. "I know it seems like a lot of information, but it can be done. You know that I was once the Looker of Zayem?" I nod. "Well, if I can do it, so can you. Let's get back to work- give me a summary of this girl"

Mercy points to a portrait. I glance at the fair-skinned, friendly smile and wild yellow curls staring back at me. I know this one - she is my age, and when I first saw her face I had imagined that, under different circumstances, we could have been friends.

"Princess Hayden of the Island of Olvanor," I say confidently. "She's currently thirteen years old; hasn't been promised to anyone yet. Daughter of King Anthony and Queen... Lily? Yes, Lily. She has seven siblings."

"Very good," Mercy smiles. "Bella, you're going to be the most powerful woman on this island."

If only I had known what an understatement that was.

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