Chapter 2

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"It's really not as daunting as it seems," The kind green eyes stood in front of me, smiling reassuringly.

One of my eyebrows arched slightly without my permission. "Haven't you been a Looker for less than a year?"

The girl who had just introduced herself as Grace, although I already knew her name, let the edges of her mouth curve easily into a smile to reveal perfectly straight teeth. "Indeed, I have; which means I know a tad more about it than you do. In practice, of course. This is my first time representing the Island of Qellan on different land."

My shoulders stiffened slightly as I felt someone's eyes set on me. I had had people stare at me all night, but not like this. Not as intense. It unnerved me. My skin was suddenly uncomfortable being framed by such tight fabric. I tried to focus on what Grace had said.

"Are none of your royals here?" I asked, slightly puzzled. Even if the King or Queen couldn't attend, their children usually did.

She shook her head, a few dark strands of hair falling into her face. "Unfortunately not. Prince Mason is too young to be left alone to run the Island, and he and his siblings are all too young to travel across the waters. Besides, Queen Aaliyah is pregnant, I'm sure you know. They asked me to send you their utmost congratulations."

"Thank you," I had spoken those two words so many times that night, they had stopped sounding like words. "Please pass my congratulations along to your queen. I hear the birth should take place in early winter?"

Her smile tightened slightly as it became more forced. Frustration flashed briefly in her eyes, as we were both thinking the same thing: a new-born baby had the smallest chance of survival if it was born at the beginning of a long winter, especially on the Island of Qellan, where tall, snow-capped mountains could be found even in their summer. Their winters were unforgiving.

"That is correct," She continued to smile, "The castle is already preparing for the new royal's birth. Our heirs have always been incredibly strong, so we're confident the new prince or princess will thrive through the months following its birth."

My right eyebrow arched itself without permission, giving away my scepticism. Those words could have convinced most people on this Island, seeing as many had no idea what harsh climates would meet them on the other six Islands. But it did not convince me. I knew as well as she did that the chances of that royal baby surviving the winter were slim to nothing.

"Using the royal pronoun, are we?" I asked sarcastically. "I didn't realise being a Looker now meant you obtain royal blood. My training must have missed a few minor details."

Looker Grace did not bother to force a smile anymore. There was no need to try build trust between us; I had already decided I was not fond of her. Throughout history, it had been known that the Lookers of different Islands could grow incredibly close. After all, no other woman understood the immense pressure our titles held. Trust between two Lookers often led to an alliance between the two Islands, if the Kings agreed.

"It was lovely to finally meet you, Isabella," Grace said blandly, before taking a sip of her wine. "Excuse me."

I watched her disappear into the crowd, hoping that it would be years before I had to encounter her again. I stood on the outskirts of the crowded ballroom, searching it for the gaze I could still feel fixated on me. The only one that made me feel like I was being watched, not just looked at.

"Lost in your own castle?" I turned to my left to see a face I did not recognise; one I was sure I would not forget. I could not break away from his eyes. Never had I looked into a blue so light that it could be passed as grey, if one only saw it for a brief moment. If my mother were there, she would have said that this was what a man looked like; strong jawline, raised cheekbones, and hair combed back neatly, but not perfectly. The one side of his mouth was raised slightly as he smiled crookedly down at me.

"Well I would hardly call it my castle," I responded, unable to resist smiling back at him.

"Ah, you are too modest," He gestured to the room. "Anyone here with half a brain knows very well that you call the shots. Then again, I suppose that means only a handful of guests qualify, doesn't it?"

I laughed genuinely for the first time that evening. "Insulting my guests? That doesn't seem like the best first impression to be making, now does it...?"

"Lord Andrew, Island of Acton," The man took my hand in his and leaned over slightly to press his lips against my skin. "And you are?"

"Just one of the servants," I shrugged my shoulders, then continued in a hushed tone. "I found this dress lying in our quarters, so I thought I would try sneak in unnoticed."

Lord Andrew laughed, smoothing back a piece of almost-black hair that had fallen into his face whilst kissing my hand. "Well, I think you've succeeded. And you look exquisite in that dress, might I add."

I felt my cheeks flush slightly. Receiving a compliment from him felt so different to the rest I had received from men throughout the evening. It felt more genuine, as though he were actually complimenting a simple servant because he thought she was beautiful, not complimenting the most powerful woman on the Island to get himself into her good graces.

"Excuse me, Looker Isabella," A kind voice pulled my focus away from the handsome Lord beside me. I bowed my head when I realised who was standing in front of me.

"Your Highness," I greeted Prince Benjamin, first in line to the Zayem throne. His soft brown eyes and friendly demeanour had made me feel welcomed when I met his family upon my arrival at the castle earlier that day. I had decided he would be a good king one day; a fair king.

"Would you mind stepping away with me for a moment?" He asked before briefly nodding towards Lord Andrew, who did the same in return. "We have a bit of a... situation that needs your attention."

"Of course," I responded, turning towards my companion. "It was a pleasure to meet you, Lord Andrew."

"The pleasure was all mine, Looker Isabella," He raised his wine glass and gave me that crooked smile. "Until we meet again."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2019 ⏰

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