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"kathryn, can you come to the bathroom with me?" i asked, giving her a look.

she noticed the look i gave her, and nodded her head. she got out of the booth and followed me to the bathroom, thank goodness it was a one person type of bathroom and not stalls.

"what the hell are you doing?" i asked.

"what do you mean?"

"this!" i yelled.

she stayed silent.

"why do you want me to get with gilinsky so bad? what's wrong with you?"

she let out a sigh, and began to speak.

"remember when you dared me to get johnson's snapchat?" she asked.

i nodded my head.

"well, ever since then we've been like flirting and stuff. i feel like i might be starting to like him. it's not that i desperately want you to fuck gilinsky, i just want to spend more time with johnson."

my eyes widened at what she said, she likes jack?

"oh my gosh kathryn, you should've told me this!"

"i know, i know, im sorry. i feel like we haven't been as close as usual lately and just, i don't know."

i didn't say anything back, i gave her a hug instead. she hugged me back tighter, and let out a laugh.

"wow, this makes me so happy!" she said.

"me too."

we walked out of the bathroom and sat back down in the booth. the whole rest of dinner i watched kathryn and johnson have a good time, while i pretended to have a good time with gilinsky.

after dinner, kathryn came back to my house. since i still haven't told her about aiden, i just said he was making a drug deal when she asked about him.

"do you want to get high right now?" i randomly asked.

kathryn sent me a puzzled look, "so you actually are still into all of this, huh?"

i nodded my head.

"i mean, i guess we can. will aiden let you use his stuff?"

"yeah, he doesn't mind." i lied.

we went into aidens room and grabbed his bong. i filled it with water and grabbed purp, (a/n purp is a type of weed) and filled the bowl halfway with it.

"you wanna hit it first?" i asked kathryn?

"no, i haven't done this shit since summer."

"suit yourself."

i lit the bowl and inhaled, then pulled it out so i could get the smoke. i took a couple big hits, and then passed it to kathryn.

she took a couple hits and passed it back, and we did that until we were both high.

"i forgot why i stopped doing this, it's great." she said.

"i know right." i agreed with her.

for the next couple of hours, we sat in aidens room, talking about random crap high out of our minds.

"i really missed doing this over the summer with you, lets do it over the weekend." kathryn blurted.

i laughed at her statement, and nodded my head ."we can do it my house."

"sounds dope. friday night is gonna be sooo fun."

"yeah, it will be."

that friday night wasn't fun at all. infact, it's one of the biggest factors on how my life managed to get so fucked up.

theres a hint from her thoughts (the italics) that friday isnt going to be as fun as plannnnedddd

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