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"let's watch a movie!" ethan exclaimed.

"i'm down." i agreed.

"sounds good to me, should we get snacks?" grayson asked.

"yeah, from your pantry or the store?"

"store, our pantry is shit." ethan laughed.

i smiled at his joke, and then looked at grayson. he was laughing at what ethan said, and nodded in agreement.

"so, who wants to go to the store with me?" grayson asked.

"i will."

"im staying here, too much walking."

"ethan, you're lazy as crap." grayson retorted.

"no, i have a more important job." he argued.

"and what might that be?"

"keeping all of our spots warm."

grayson gave him a fake dirty look, then immediately started laughing after.

"have fun keeping our spots warm!" i said, walking out of graysons room.

grayson followed me and we went downstairs, and into his car.

"finally, some alone time." grayson said once he buckled his seatbelt.

"stop, i love ethan!" i replied.

"you me more though, right?"

"eh, sometimes."

he raised his eyebrows at me, making me laugh.

he then looked at my face, then down at my neck, then back up to my face.

fuck, fuck, fuck.

"your face looks a little swollen, what happened?" he asked.

"i uh- had an allergic reaction." i lied.

i then avoided eye contact with him, not wanting to fuck up anything.

"oh, i didn't know you were allergic to anything."

"yeah, nothing major. just like- um, like nuts and stuff."


he then turned on music, and we listened and sang along to songs on the radio all the way to the store.

"why are we over here?" i asked.

i was currently sitting in the cart, and grayson was handing me items. we were picking up candy and drinks when he decided to come to the flower section.

"i'm getting roses, duh." he responded.

"for me?"

"who else?"


"because you had an allergic reaction, i feel bad."

"thank you grayson, but you don't have-"

"i want to."

he let me pick out my favorite ones, and then put them in the cart. i picked out a mix of white and red ones, they looked the prettiest and the colors contrasted each other.

once we got to the register, he offered to pay for everything. usually, i would've stepped in and made sure i paid, but this time i didn't.

1) i didn't bring any money to their house
2) i don't have money to bring, well, my dare money i guess
3) grayson probably of wouldn't let me pay anyways

we walked out of the store with the bags, and piled them into the trunk.

when we got back in the car, grayson didn't drive out of the parking lot.

"are you gonna go?" i asked.

"i will in a minute, i want to talk to you."

"okay." i said, a little nervous, "talk."

he handed me the roses i previously picked out, setting them down on my lap.

"i didn't get you these because you had an allergic reaction scarlett." he said.

"then, why'd you get them?"

"when you hugged my mom, the sleeves of your sweatshirt rolled up."

i instantly froze, he saw my cuts.


"i thought you promised me that you were done doing that?"

"i thought i was, but, its been hard."

"what happened?"

i felt him burning holes into me with his eyes, but i looked down, scared that i would spill everything if i made eye contact with him.

"scarlett, what made you feel the need to do this again?"

"i don't want to talk about it."

"i told you that you can talk to me that day, no matter what about."

"i know you did. i just- i can't tell you."


"grayson, please trust me on this."

he let out a sigh, and then grabbed my hand.

"i like you scarlett, i like you a lot. you have no idea how bad it hurts to see you do this." grayson admitted.

holy shit, he likes me.

"i- i like you too grayson, like, a lot. i don't want to make you upset."

i looked up at him, and finally made eye contact.

"listen to me, next time you feel the need to do this, call me. i don't care if its 4am, i'll come over and help you with whatever you're upset about, okay?"

i nodded my head at him.

he then did the unexpected, and grabbed my chin. he brought my face close to his, and then leaned in. i leaned in too, and then, we kissed.

his lips melted into mine, and i felt fireworks erupt in my stomach.

he pulled away from me, and then smiled.

"let's go watch some movies." he exclaimed, pulling out of the parking lot.

"yeah, let's go watch some movies."

dun dun dun, thank u all sm for 700 reads :)))

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