the second letter

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Dear Jake,

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Dear Jake,

I'm pretty sure my last letter was delivered to your house by now. I'm only assuming this since you only live about ten minutes away from me. I always want to just go to your house to see you, but I don't for obvious reasons. I asked Dylan and Owen about you, but they say they haven't talked to you in awhile. I can't tell if they're just lying to me or if you guys don't actually talk anymore. God I miss you so much. Just please send me a letter back if you are getting these and reading them. Or meet at our spot. Do you even remember our spot? It's that library downtown. God that place
is still my favorite place ever. I go there almost every day and I sit on that couch that we used to sit on together. Though instead of reading, I'm waiting for you to walk through the entrance. However, that never happens. Maybe one day it will.


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