Chapter 9

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This is a work of Fan fiction, and Danny Phantom does not belong to me. That right belongs to Butch Hartman and Nick Studios.

The artwork above does not belong to me, it belongs to their rightful owner.

Please enjoy this story and if you don't enjoy it remember there are many other works on here for you to enjoy.



Tucker was in his room at the time when one of Pandora's guards ran down the hall looking for his friend Danny. Once Tucker learned why he was in a panicked mood he ran to inform the Ghost Boy. Danny and company ran down the halls and towards the main entrance where Frostbite was finishing debriefing the warriors on the situation.

"NOW GO! We will head out as soon as the Great One arrives." Frostbite states as he see's the first group of soldiers off to help Dora.

"Frostbite! Whats this about Dora being in trouble?" Frostbite turns to see Danny, Jazz, Tucker, and Pandora running into the room in a hurry.

"Great One! Dora sent out a messenger that her Kingdom is under attack! She needs help we were awaiting your arrival back to head there." Frostbite says as he leads them out to the main gates of the Castle.

"Alright, I'm here so lets head out." Danny says as he transforms and fly's off with everyone else behind him. Jazz and Tucker load into the Specter Speeder and drive behind the ghosts in hopes of reaching Dora's Kingdom in time to help.

------At Dora's Kingdom-----------

"MY QUEEN! We must get you to safety!" Dora quickly dodges an ecto blast as her guards fight off their strange attackers. Dora quickly lunges and swings her sword at her attacker but sadly he doges.

"NO! I will NOT leave my people until each and everyone of them are safely inside the castle walls. And until all my subjects are safe," Dora quickly blocks an enemy attack before she can continue and pulls another one off her guard on her left. Then she takes the enemy and swings him towards oncoming attackers with such fury and strength it knocks the others down temporarily.

"...I will fight until my last breath. Do you understand Captain?" Dora asks as she puts her hand out to help her guard up off the ground. The guard grins as he takes her hand.

"I understand my queen." Dora nods as this as she then yells for her guards to continue forward.

"GO! Captain Lance take your group to scout around for any stragglers and take them inside! Captain Rodin, go help the others out the gates to make sure none of these creatures make it inside and John, your with me to fight off the main waves along with your best guards. They rest split up and help the people into the castle! NOW GO!" Dora yells out with command and power as she helps fight off the attackers.

"YES MY QUEEN!" All the guards reply before running off to their ordered stations.

"My Queen!" Suddenly a sword appears near her left cheek, blocking an incoming arrow. Dora smiles as she knocks out another enemy.

"Thank you John, that was close." John nods as he stands next to Dora to fight off the next incoming wave of attackers.

-----Danny's Group-----

Everyone eventually caught up with the first group and were now speeding towards Dora's Kingdom but as they approach Danny see's whats going on. The entire castle is being attacked by what look's to be ghosts covered in black with glowing red eyes but before he can take a closer look he hears a scream. Danny turns to where the scream came from and there he notices that a small group of children and one adult female ghost are being attacked the girl looks to be trying to block the attackers from getting to the children. Danny quickly with out thinking fly's to their rescue.

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