Lady gaga loves whorse clock

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Moist hot  tamales laid on the floor with condoms galore. Lady Gaga woke up to the sound of her whorse nightfucker beating her 81 year old grandmother again. Her ears filled with the sweet sounds of her bones breaking
"Ahh what a good morning"
She said as she got out of bed. Nightfucker looked at her and knew what he had to do. Lasagna gaygay got in her whorse nightfucker and RODE A LITTLE FASTER. She was late for her meeting with Brit knee. They all huddled into the meeting waiting for mr grey to fucc. He can rub. Gaga felt herself getting moist as he rubbed a hot Cheeto between her legs.
"OOOOH FUCK SENPAI DADDY SHOW ME YOUR TEETH" she said as he fucked her with a toothbrush. He flashed his smile all yellow and dusty. Gay calmed down on his dick and came. Every time they duck someone dies and fat hoes choke. Lalalalala dancing with my hands in his ass like Jesus said. Fuck Gaga said as he ripped her nipples onto a dvd. UGH IM SO NAIGHTY??!!. Kesha beat the shot out of a black person and had sex with home, the end
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