Chapter 1

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I was a punk. There was no other way to put it. I had dyed my fringe blue, and the rest of my hair was black. I had small gauges in my ears and several piercings: septum, tongue, eyebrow, and spider bites. I wore all black most of the time: skinny, ripped black jeans and tight tees with a leather jacket. I had tattoos on my arms and back, and I wore eyeliner sometimes.

Because the world was still as biased as it has always been, people assumed that I was a gang leader, I did heroine, I smoked, I was depressed as fuck and extremely suicidal, and I drove a motorcycle. I only did one of those thing. I drove a black motorcycle, and it was my pride and joy. I loved it with all my heart.

But people were scared to death of me. No one ever talked to me or even glanced my direction just because of what I wore and the music I listened to, both students and teachers. I actually did want friends, and I actually did want to interact with people. But... no one ever talked to me. I was always banished to eat lunch outside or on the floor if it was raining or too cold. I was left to figure out most of my school work on my own because no one bothered to teach me, but it was okay because I was smart enough.

The only attention I got from people that weren't my parents was online. I had started playing guitar when I was a child, and now, I was making my own songs and putting them on YouTube. They got a few thousand view and a handful of comments, and people followed me on my social media accounts. But besides my online self, I only got human interaction from my parents.

I was also extremely gay. I was the flaming homosexual that all the Christians get warned about, but... it wasn't like anyone would know I was gay. No one bothered to know which was fine with me, but it did mean that I wouldn't be able to date any of the cute gay guys at my school. And there was one that I desperately wanted just the courage to say a mere 'hi' to him: Daniel James Howell.

I swore he was sent down to heaven... or maybe he came from hell because Satan wanted to be an ass and gave me someone I could never date. His hair was in perfect ringlets that sat upon his head. They looked so soft, and I just wanted to run my fingers through it. His skin was slightly tanned, and his cheeks were a rosy pink that complimented it so well. He had a great facial structure, and his lips looked so soft and plump and were so pink and rosy. And his eyes... I would get lost in them if I even glanced into the. God, I was gay for him. But sadly, I would never be able to date him because he was the most popular guy at school.

I knew his friends hated me like everyone else, but I didn't think he had ever seen me. He was always consumed with his friends. I just wished he would be the first one to actual notice me for me and not what I wore. I was actually a human being with feelings and worth, but no one seemed to notice that.


I laughed loudly as I sat down with my friends at lunch. They always cracked me up with the stupidest jokes, or maybe I just laughed too easily. I started eating my salad and listened to Louise's story of her worst first date ever.

"And of course I had to be wearing a white dress which he spilled his soda all over," she exclaimed, and I nodded along, listening but letting my gaze shift to look over the lunchroom. It was more crowded than usual because it was raining and all the kids were forced inside to eat. "He didn't even bother to pay for the ice cream he accidentally knocked out of my hand," Louise said. I giggled and looked at all the different faces.

Everyone was so generic here. The only personalities that I had managed to find were my friends, but I was convinced there were better people here. I knew I could find someone that wasn't mainstream like everyone else. I scanned the people sitting at the tables and then looked down at the few sitting on the ground. Most of them were sitting near a bunch of their friends, laughing but having to sit due to lack of seats.

In the corner of the lunchroom and in the very back, a very tall, dark guy was sitting all by himself. He was wearing black ripped skinny jeans which showed off his legs very well. He had on a tight fighting shirt and a beautiful leather jacket. His black fringe was cut perfectly to frame his face which I couldn't see very well from here.

"Is Dan checking someone out?" Pj nudged me with his elbow.

I giggled. "I'm not checking him out. I'm just looking at him." 

"Who are you looking at though?" He asked, so I pointed to the guy at the back. "Oh, him. Peter... Dil... Poe... I forgot his name. Don't even bother talking to him. He's a weirdo."

I looked at him confused. "How is he weird? He seems just lonely."

"He's lonely because he's weird, Dan," Chris said. "He does heroine, I think."

"Heroine? Seriously?" I asked.

"Totally positive."

I sighed and threw away my food. "Well, I'm going to go talk to him because no one deserves to be alone at lunch."

"Just don't get raped," Chris said, and I rolled my eyes, walking over to the skater boy. As I got closer to him, I began to see his face in more detail. His skin was creamy white which contrasted his black hair perfectly. He had a nice jawline and beautiful lips. I saw he had several piercings on his face which was actually quite attractive. I wondered what it would be like to kiss him. I shook that thought from my head. I hadn't even talked to him.

When I got in front of him, he looked up at me with the most gorgeous eyes I had ever seen. They were literally pools of blue, green, and yellow swirling together. I swallowed a lump that formed in my throat and said, "Hi. I saw you sitting by yourself and decided to come over here."

"Oh, hi," he said quietly with a very nice, smooth voice. He took out his earbuds and wrapped them up.

I smiled softly at him and sat down next to him. "I'm Dan by the way. What's your name?" He really was quite cute.

"Uhm, Phil." He looked down at his phone which wasn't even on.

"That's a cool name," I said with a smile.

He looked back to me. "Thanks."

"No problem, but anyways, since I'm going to be over here for the rest of the lunch break, tell me about yourself," I chirped, smiling at him.

"Uhm... not much to tell." He shrugged.

"I highly doubt that."

He chuckled. "You must be so naive." He took a swig of his water.

I raised an eyebrow, confused by what he said. Everyone had something unique about them, and I wasn't buying what Phil was saying. "What?"

"I'm just your ordinary punk. Wanna know what I'm like? Go talk to any other punk you meet," he said calmly with a slight shrug.

"Oh," I mumbled and looked down at my lap before looking back at him. "Well, you seem to be the only punk at this school, so I guess you're going to have to tell me what you're like."

Phil looked slightly puzzled before he returned to his neutral, calm demeanor. "I ride a motorcycle," he said almost as if it was a question.

"Really? That's your motorcycle? It's so pretty!" It had been a dream of mine to ride a motorcycle, especially if it was the motorcycle of a cute boy.

I saw the slightest hint of a smile before Phil spoke again. "Oh, thanks. She's my baby."

"Who's the mommy?" I jokingly asked, but it was a good way to figure out his sexuality and if he was single.

"No one, and besides, she would have two dads," he said, the smile slightly growing before it vanished as the bell rang.

I cursed under my breath and grabbed my backpack. He was single and gay and really cute! This was my chance at a first relationship! "Well, it was nice to mee-" I looked up and saw that Phil had already escaped into the crowd of people. 

What a guy.

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