A dog replaced by a cat replaced by a dog

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I was always interested in Loony Labs since it's starting a few.. Months, weeks ago? Time is hard to keep track of. But I just got word of one of their top scientists resigning, It's a shame Fissionton already contributed so much in so little time.

Enough of this fourth wall blabbering, let's get into the story.

My eyes slowly opened from black as I heard a knock at my door. I rose from my bed, fixing myself up slightly before swiftly making my way to the door.

Could my eyes deceive? It was.. Doctor Surlee! The very founder of Loony Labs!

"Heya Sir Furball!"

He looked well kept but it was like he hadn't slept for days.

"I-I uhh..." I stood there astounded.

He held a clipboard in his hands, eyes moving quickly as he flipped through.

"So I see you've described an innate interest in our work over at Loony Labs?"

I nodded slowly.


He looked up at me quickly.

"Then I'm sure you've heard of Fissionton's resignation?"

He quickly went back to flipping through the papers.


"Well, here's a position offer, how would you like to join us and our research over at Loony La-"

I gasped in shock.


He motioned a hand downwards as if to calm me.

"Yes, yes, I believe his workspace is up for grabs as well!"

I was riddled with joy.

"Well u-uh.. When do I start?"

He pulled out a stopwatch and hummed.

"How about.. now?"

He handed me a lab coat and blue buttoned shirt.

"Welcome to the team."

Quickly getting changed, I followed him back to loony labs.

Science, Joy and Business: A Deadly MixtureWhere stories live. Discover now