The Toon Council Versus Doctor Surlee

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On this very day,  April 26th 2003, Surlee would be accused of serious crimes against the Toon Council's courthouse, it wasn't commonly used as it was deemed too "business-like" but Surlee has been involved in most of the key cases held here, mostly questioning the ethics of his practices.

The courthouse was quickly flooded by members of the Council, Doctor Peppurr and Professor Furball at one podium, Flippy at the stand of the judge.

Peppurr tried not to pace, holding himself in place.

"A-Are you sure we have enough evidence Furball?.. This could go bad fast.."

"Get a hold of yourself Peppurr. This isn't for us, as Flippy would say, It's for Toontown."

Peppurr nodded, handing Furball the clipboard with most of their evidence on it.

Flippy motioned a hand down to calm the room.

"At this time the Court calls The Toon Council of Toontown vs. Doctor Surlee, Case number 126. Will the parties state their appearances for the record, please."

Doctor Crembrulee Noir, A black cat with the standard Loony Labs uniform with his own dark greyish flare, sat at a terminal near the back, being the typist for a majority of the cases.

Furball approached the microphone.

"Good morning Judge. The Toon Council of Toontown appears by Loony Labs Professor Sir Furball, lead counsel and appearing as special prosecutor in this case. Appearing with me is Loony Labs Doctor Peppurr, also appearing as special prosecutor."

Flippy nodded.

Surlee readjusted his lab coat as he approached his microphone.

"Good morning Flippy, Loony Labs Doctor Surlee is represented by himself. Can I go now?"

"No, take a seat."

Flippy, for once seemed stern. He took the safety of the Toons very seriously.

Surlee sighed and sat back down.

"For the record, I will note that the Council has been previously informed that the defendant has been convicted previously on two separate accounts."

Flippy looked to Peppurr and Furball, The Doctor sweating bullets with his ears slightly twitching while the Professor seemed pretty intent, snout high and proud. He shuffled through a stack of papers in front of him.

"So, the plaintiff accuses the defendant of conspiring business and endangering the public, is that correct?"

Furball nodded.

"That is correct Your Honorable Toontastic."

Flippy then looked to Surlee.

"And how does the defendant plea?"

"Not guilty."

Flippy nodded.

He shuffled through more of the papers.

 "I see exhibit A...-"

Surlee pulled out a black hole from his pocket and placed it on the floor, jumping through it.



I don't have much time. They know I'm in Loony Labs. Where else would I hide? If no one knows that Professor Furball will, to think, the Toon I hired onto my team, turn on me.

I just push this button.. Watch the Rewritten Device power up... I was right to say who can be trusted when using this machine. Especially for the causes I'm using it for.

Just flick this switch.. flick that lever...

Position myself in front of the canvas...

And... pRESSS...

I fly off the canvas and the machine combusts into flames behind me, I brush myself off, looking at my hands. It'll do. But it felt as if I was on that machine for a lot longer than a few minutes...

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