[ - - chapter one - - ]

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Tyler Joseph, a name that hardly ever left anyone's mouth in a positive way. Either it being some harsh comment, or some bad news, Tyler just wasn't as lucky as others seemed to be. Everyone seemed to have such a better life than him, but not once would you ever hear Tyler complain about what he had.

The twenty three year old boy would /never/ complain about the rough patches in his life, he would never whine to someone about how many times he has curled up at night and cried himself to sleep. Not once would you hear Tyler speak negatively about his situations.

That was until Tyler's life seemed to spiral straight down the steepest hill he could imagine. It first started with his rent being raised for his already pretty expensive apartment. Then it was the abrupt news that he and a handful of other co-workers were being laid off. And finally, the worst one of them all.

You are further notified that payment of said sum due is hereby demanded of you, and unless payment is made on or before the expiration of SEVEN (7) days after service of this notice, your lease of the premises will be terminated.

Tyler knew he wouldn't have that payment in time, and that just drove him crazy. He had his most valuable things packed orderly in his suitcase, the rest being tossed in garbage bags, which were stuffed in the back of his car.

And that's how he ended up here, in the back of some run down strip club. Tyler wasn't interested in the women. He could careless about the girls. Tyler just wanted a drink and a place to let off steam.

His eyes were red and his nose was runny from all the crying he had been doing these past few hours. Tyler did eye the male dancers though. There were plenty of pretty looking men around this establishment, but Ty just wasn't interested in a quick fuck.

Tyler was approached by plenty of scarcely dressed men and women. He seemed exceptionally more nervous around the boys than he was when it came to the girls. Tyler has had heated moments with females before, but never has he had one with a boy. Tyler just felt a lot more self-conscious around the male dancers.

"What's a pretty boy like you sitting all alone in a place like this?" A unfamiliar voice sounded over the mood setting music. "I'm sorry, I'm not interes-.." Tyler was quickly cut off. The outstanding beauty of this man shut Tyler up fast. He wasn't dressed like the others, but was much more formal.

This man was fine with a capital F. Tyler could admit that as quickly as he could admit the fact that his life was gone. This mans jaw was as sharp as broken glass, and his skin the color of carmel. And his eyes? Well his eyes were as dark as the deepest part of the sea. Mysterious, holding plenty of secrets that may not ever reach the surface. But that damn smile. The smile is what really sold it to Tyler. His lips looking as soft as silk and as kissable as ever.

Tyler cleared his throat and moved over to make room on the red leather booth. "What's ya name, cutie?" The sudden use of pet names was driving Tyler up the wall. "Tyler or Ty, I don't mind either one." He said with a gentle shrug. "It's a pleasure to meet ya Ty, I'm James." James stuck his hand out for a friendly shake. Tyler's soft and delicate hand took James'.

 (DISCONTINUED) ° LATE NIGHTS °  [ joshler ]Where stories live. Discover now