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"What is?" I glanced over at Kuroo, who was leisurely staring at his phone screen with his elbow on the desk and his face resting against the palm of his hand. 

"Akaashi texted saying that Bokuto's been reading nonstop during lunch and after practice."

I blankly stared at him.

"What's with that blank stare?"
He then cleared his voice and read out loud for me to hear the exact words written by Akaashi. "'Well, it looks more as if he's trying to his mind get around each sentence and ends up bookmarking the same page several times. Anyhow, please say my thanks to L/N for me. He really treasures the handmade bookmark.'" His palm then glided up towards his lip. He definitely didn't have to say a word from the way he was eyeing me.

"The little birdie also went spastic about the primping you apparently did for him." I suddenly found myself gazing at his desk, in need of some sort of comfort. He broke off the stare and chucked to himself. "I bet Akaashi was the one who pointed that out."
I brought my focus back to him, whose eyes were glued to the screen. "Thanks," I said it in a way that the word rolled off my tongue.
"For what?" He asked, while packing away his belongings.   
"For the hair."

He paused and cautiously raised his eyebrow at me. "You already thanked me for that."

"I know." I frankly replied and stood up from my seat. "We should get going, it's not good if the captain's late for practice." I noted with my back towards him, feeling slightly revealed that I got away from him. As I step my foot out in the hallway, he lazily raised his voice, "Noted."


Kuroo's POV
"Good work today! Get yourself rested for the upcoming practice match."
Soon after they responded with their last ounce of energy, some let out a sigh of exhaustion and walked off. With a few remaining in the changing room, I made sure I had everything in my bag and shut my locker.
"Want to head to the convenient store?" Yaku asked.
"Nah, I think I'll go straight home today. I've got to cram in some of the materials for the mid-term."
"I want to go!" Lev chided from the side.
"Shouldn't you be revising, Lev? I don't think it'd look cool if you let your chance slip with not only your sloppy receives, but sloppy grades too."
"But, I didn't fail any of my tests last time, so it's fine," Lev started whining, "besides, I never made a girl cry."
Huh? I was taken back, not expecting he'd say that.
Yaku sneered. "Not even your sister?"
"Never! Alisa and I are tight."
I glanced over at Yaku, who was grinning at me before confronting the first year, "Either way, I'm not letting it slide. What was that you mentioned earlier?"
Unlike his usual demeanor, his eyes were looking elsewhere but ours. "Maybe," he paused. "I should head home and study. See you tomorrow!" He sprinted out of the door.
"Hey, Lev!" I grunted. It's the first time that I found his daddy-long legs a disadvantage.

"So, what's up with you and L/N?"
My head whipped to Yaku. "What does she have to do with this?" I sounded way too irritated. 
He shrugged. "I don't know.  She's literally the only girl I could think of that's not scared of you."
"Well, looking nice and actually being scary is better than looking scary and being a nice person." 

"Says the person that shuddered over a 'rumour' about making a girl cry?"  I grunted out of frustration, which made Yaku titter. "Yup, I now know which it is. Was she cute?" 
"I guess more 'pretty' than 'cute. Seemed like a nice person too..." 

"Did she also have luscious long hair?" "I suppose. Hold up," I narrowed my eyes, "you do realise I won't reject someone just because of the length of their hair...right?"

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