The first day at Ouran Academy

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Today… is the first day that I start Ouran High School!!! I’m a bit nervous though. These people were scary… I didn’t mention this before, but I hate wearing dresses… So the school allowed me to wear a boys’ uniform. I’m  a second year, and I didn’t know anybody. All the cliques were already made, and I was left without anyone. Again.

 I walked around aimlessly without any sense of direction. I got multiple stares and whispers as I walked by. While I was walking, I saw a boy in a brown sweater and black pants. His hair was short and brown and he was holding some schoolbooks. He was wearing glasses and that’s when you recognized him.

Nanako: HARUHI!

The boy turned around and sure enough it was Haruhi. He looked at you and squinted his eyes to get a better look at you, and then he smiled at you.

Haruhi: Nanako!

I ran up to her and hugged her. She had gotten skinner and her hair was shorter.

Nanako: hey are you eating much? You got skinnier and your hair’s shorter. Why’s that?

Haruhi: I’ve spent more time studying than eating sweets and  I don’t really have the money to buy all the food that we used to eat. And about my hair… Remember Chise? Well her little brother got gum stuck in my hair so I had to cut it.

Nanako: I have to say Haruhi, I didn’t nearly recognize you, But I had heard about someone getting in due to their smarts and I saw you didn’t have a uniform, so I knew it was you!

Haruhi: What can I say.

She was blushing now… Haruhi and I went to the same school together since we were in preschool. But with me being older we didn’t have any classes together so we usually hung out after school, during recess and before school. We were the best of friends until I had to move away the 2nd year of middle school.

Nanako: you really are smart Haruhi… top marks and everything! I’ve been lucky to even make it into the  top 50!

Haruhi: what are you talking about you are smart! Speaking of that… I’m looking for a place to study want to come with?

Nanako: Yeah! You can help me in math!

Haruhi: Are you still bad at math?

Nanako: haha you know it!

We walked around to library number 1 and there was many people there, but they were so loud for it to even be a library. We checked number 2 and it was the same thing. We walked with our hopes down to the 3rd one and saw it was the same thing.

Nanako: I bet you 300 yen that the fourth one I just the same.

I said walking with my hands behind my head. While Haruhi held her books.

Haruhi: no way you’re going to win.

When we got to the 4th library and sure enough there was loud and noisy teenagers there. We walked around for a while longer and saw music room number 3. We walked in figuring an abandoned music room would be quite. But to our surprise there was a rose petals that flew at us and we were welcomed by a choir of male voices.

Boys: Welcome to the host club.

Haruhi: Host Club?

My shyness started taking over and I hid behind Haruhi’s back. She backed up a bit which made me back up as well. The boy with black hair and glasses spoke up.

Boy: Their boys… Hikaru, Kaoru, isn’t the boy in the tattered clothes in your class.

Twins: yeah but he’s shy and doesn’t talk much, so we don’t know much about him.

Boy: Tamaki isn’t the boy behind him in our class as well?

Tamaki: as well, he’s shy too.

Boy: well then, welcome to the Ouran Host Club, Mr. Honor Student, and Mr. Akitoshi

Tamaki: you must be Haruhi Fujioka

Haruhi: H-how did you know my name?

Boy: you’re quite infamous around here, it’s not every day that a commoner gets accepted into Ouran Academy. You must work hard to be an honor student.

Haruhi: Commoner?

Then the Tamaki guy started rambling on about something and chasing Haruhi around the place. I blushed and put my hands over my mouth just stared at the boys standing there, I started backing up towards the door, slowly, then the little blonde one jumped on my arm.

Little Blonde: Hey Akitoshi right? You must be Nanako! Your mom shot pictures for our martial arts ads!! Will you come eat cake with me?

I started blushing madly as the little looked at me.

Nanako: uh- uh- uh- uh-umm.  C-c-c-c-c-c-ca-ca-cake?

He tilted his head, and just stared at me without say anything. My face was getting heated and I pulled my arm away and lost my balance and I bumped into someone. It was Haruhi and he knocked over a vase.

Twins: aww we were going to auction off that renaissance vase in a school auction for eight million yen.

Haruhi: ei-ei-ei-ei-eight million yen, how many thousands are in that?

Nanako: H-H-H-Haruhi I’m umm s-s-s-sorry

Haruhi: It’s okay Nanako, umm I’m going to have to pay you back.

Twins: how are you going to do that? You don’t even have enough money to buy a school uniform.

Nanako: and and and, My p-p-parents c-c-can barely af-afford to s-s-s-send me here

Boy with glasses: well then Tamaki what do you suggest we do?

Tamaki sat in a chair and crossed his leg while pointing his finger at some randomness?

Tamaki: well Kyoya, there’s only one thing to do. From now on you two will be the host clubs errand boys.

Nanako: e-errand b-b-boys?

Little blonde one: That’s great!! Then when can spend more time together Haru-chan!


The little boy hid behind me with little tear ducts in his eyes.

I turned around and knelt down to his height.

Nanako: d-d-don’t worry he grows on you

The little one looked shocked at first and then he smiled at me.  Then we turned to hear what Tamaki was talking about.

Tamaki: so could you be into the strong silent type? The boy Lolita? The mischievous type, the cool type?

Then dramatically speaking while he awkwardly stroked Haruhi’s chin… Que roses…

Tamaki: Or the King type.

Haruhi:’ I don’t know if I can handle this mom…’

And then Haruhi passed out on the floor, and you ran over to see if she was okay. The tall guy with black hair picked her up and set her on one of the couches… Then one of those light bulbs went off… Now there was two….

Well that’s the first chapter!!! What did you think? Should I continue? Comment and tell me what you think!!!


The shyness attracts (a Mori love story) OHSHCWhere stories live. Discover now