NaLu, Gale, and a Bromance! Modern AU

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A/N: So.......... you know what never mind, ENJOY!!!!

Lucy's POV:

I was sitting in the lunch table with Natsu, Erza, Gray, Gajeel, Levy, Mira, Lisanna, Laxus, Bixslow, Freed, and Elfman, as well as a few other, when Mira says, "Is that a blush I see?" I turn to the person that the question was directed to. Natsu blushes harder when everyone looks at him.

"Yeah, and so what if it is!" He says and looks away. I giggle and pat his back as he looks at me.

He turns his body towards me and gives a look like 'follow me!' and just after, he stands and walks from the cafeteria. I look at the others before walking out after him.

He's standing outside our classroom, leaning against the wall. When I walk over he looks up and smiles at me. "Hey Luce!"

I smile back, "Hey Natsu, what did you need?"

"Well, I wanted to ask you something!" He says with a smile and a blush.

"Really, what would that be?" I ask and smirk.

"W-would y-you like t-to be my g-girl f-friend?!' He says, well yells while blushing madly, then hiding in his scarf.

"Natsu," I say and walk closer, "Of course I would love to be your girlfriend!" I smile and he looks up with a surprised look. I smile as he pulls me into a gentle hug. "That's awesome." He whispers.

"Awwwwwwwwww!" I hear from behind and when I turn around I see Mira take a picture of us with her phone.

Everyone had followed us out and were watching out of view. Gajeel and Levy give us a thumbs up.


After the lunch bell rings Natsu and I walk hand in hand to class where we take our seats next to one another. Mr. Gildarts walks in, "Take a seat, crazy kids!" He mumbles the last part. We all take our seats and he begins.

"Alright, Student President Erza Scarlet please come forward, I was told you have important announcements." Erza nods and stands before walking up to the front of the room. She holds a clipboard in front of her as she begins.

"First announcement is we need volunteers for the prom committee please, so raise your hands if you'd like to volunteer. I'll write you down on the list and we'll meet after school. Lucy and Levy your names are already down since you volunteered earlier, so anyone else?" Natsu raises his hand and so does Gajeel, who knows why, then Mira and Jellal do as well.

"Alright, is that everyone who'd like to volunteer?" Erza asks and no one responds.

"Ok those who volunteered, you all have my number so I'll text you where to meet me later." We nod and she continues.

"Next we must discuss the theme, headmaster wants it to be a class vote, since our class is sponsoring, but do not worry, Lucy's dad said he will hire workers so the class doesn't have to." Everyone claps and shoots me a 'Thank you so very much, we don't have to work!' look.

"Silence!" Everyone goes quiet, "Thank you. Now anyone want to give us an idea?"

Levy raises her hand and says, "How about an under the sea theme?!" Erza writes it down and looks up. "Anyone else?"

I raise my hand and say, "What about a Fairy Tale theme?!" Erza writes it down and no one else says anything. "Ok now to vote," Erza begins, "She passes out a ballet, "Put a check under the one you would like to have as the theme and then pass it to the front."

She gives everyone their own after writing down the themes on each page.

-Time skip to after vote!-

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