( VI ) Betrayal

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(L/N) - Last Name

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《 Previously on My Darling Spider

'I have to make sure (Y/N) would trust me. I have already gathered everything I need in order to obtain Ciel.'

He smirks, and begins to rush back to the Trancy Estate.


(Sebastian's P

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(Sebastian's P.O.V.)

Today was a wonderful morning. Surprisingly, Finnian did not ruin the garden, Mey-Rin had not broke a single plate, and Baldo hasn't burn any food to waste.

'Ah, such a fine day indeed~"

It's not like I did their tasks quickly and told them they had a day off. Nope. They all purely did their job well. I have so much free time now. Perhaps I should take Lady (L/N) to a date. We have not had much free time on our hands that the only interaction we had made was purely just hugs and kisses. I walked up to her room and knocked on the door. Faintly, I heard the sound of my beautiful dove telling me to come in. "What brings you here, Sebastian?" Lady (L/N) had questioned, looking at me with her sleepy eyes. I let out a smile and replied, "Sorry for waking you up dear, I just thought we should go to a date today. Both of us have our free time today so it makes the perfect opportunity." She stretches her arms out and lets out a yawn, "Hehe, sure! Sounds fun! Let me get dressed alright?" I let out a nod and exit out her room to wait for her.

Some minutes had passed and (Y/N) came out of her room. Her pajamas were replaced with an evening dress. Lady (Y/N) blushes shyly and smiles to me, "Alright, ready?" She asks. I let out a smirk and held her waist, "Of course dear."

(Y/N's P.O.V.)

Sebastian brings me in a fancy diner and I look around in amazement, my eyes twinkle as I look at the delicious food, "Woahh! Are we really going to eat here?" He nods his head, smiling at me. We go to our table and Sebastian lifts out the seat for me. "Thank you," I say, smiling at him and sitting down. "You're welcome dear." We had ordered our food and began dining. It was really funny getting to talk to Sebastian like this. It's been awhile since we'd had a decent time for ourselves. We start talking about what's going on around us, Sebastian telling me that Ciel was being too unfair, letting him do a lot of the work. I giggle and smile, Sebastian can be so dramatic sometimes. After we finished eating we stood up and went out the door, paying for the food of course. 'I'm really glad Sebastian brought me here...'

"(Y/N)? Are you alright?" I look at Sebastian and tilt my head in confusion, "Huh?" He replies with a worried look, "You're crying..." I touch my face gently and felt the tears on my face. 'I am crying... Huh...' I wave it off and laugh nervously, "Hehe, it's nothing, I'm just happy we went on this date," I looked down and hold Sebastian's arm, blushing. He smiles and we continue walking back to the Phantomhive Manor.

(Narrator's P.O.V.)

Suddenly a bunch of crowds surrounded them. Mostly Sebastian. They didn't understand what was going on, but little did they know that the Trancy Manor planned this. They had paid some men and told the women that Sebastian was apparently a famous guy. Since he was obviously handsome being a demon, the women fell for it and start crowding over him. Soon (Y/N) and Sebastian separate from each other from all the crowd.

(Y/N) backs away and trips, however she didn't fall. "Gah! H-Huh?" (Y/N) looks up to see the familiar butler from Trancy Manor, his glasses send a glare towards her eyes and she squints slightly, "O-Oh! Claude! Thank you, I didn't expect you to be here." Claude adjusts his glasses and let's go of (Y/N), making her balance out and stood. He calmly replies to (Y/N) in his usual monotone voice, "I was just trying to find my young master, it seems I lost him in this crowd. You wouldn't perhaps seen him have you?" (Y/N) shakes her head signaling a no, but smiles and grabs his hand, "Let's find him! We wouldn't want to lose him huh?" She starts dragging Claude through the crowds, trying to find Alois.

Minutes had passed and they still couldn't find him. The crowd had died down and it seems Sebastian wasn't seen either. Claude looks around and taps (Y/N) shoulder. She turns and looks at him to see him pointing at an alley, "Let's try that way, we haven't searched there yet." (Y/N) looks at the alley and nods, "Hmm, alright..." As they were going (Y/N) here's a distant voice. "Miss, please kindly–" (Y/N) freezes and thinks in confusion, 'Sebastian..?' She rushes to the alleyway and turns to see Sebastian and Hannah, in an awkward position (*COUGH* *COUGH*). Hannah's clothes looked ruined, her hair all crazy. Followed by Sebastian on top of her. (Y/N) gasps and slowly reverses back. She covers her mouth, and tries to hold in her tears. Sebastian widens his eyes and gets off of Hannah and walks toward (Y/N), "(Y-Y/N), it's not what it looks like..." She bumps into Claude and hides behind him, "D-Don't come any closer! I-I can't believe you'd d-do this..!" Sebastian starts walking faster, panicking, "H-Hold on, (Y/N), it's a–!"


Sebastian freezes. (Y/N) looks at Sebastian, full of sadness and with anger. She glances at him, then starts running. "(Y/N)!" Sebastian yells. He starts running to chase her, however Claude stops him. "What do you want?" Sebastian speaks with a pissed tone. Claude smirks, "You don't deserve her." After he said that, Hannah attacks Sebastian, he barely dodges and jumps to the building. Sebastian hold his wound at the shoulder, and turns to see Claude gone.

(Y/N's P.O.V.)

I run to a random location. I don't care where I'm going. I just wanna be somewhere, somewhere far far away. Flashes of today come in, his smile, out hugs, and then the encounter in the alleyway. I stumble and trip. Making my clothes ruined in dirt. I lay down on the cold ground crying.


The sun hits my face as I lay there. I turn my head, looking around. I'm in a forest right now, no idea where I'm at exactly though. Just then I hear a rustle. "W-Who's there?" I sat up and wipe my tears, looking around. I stand up and walk around. Then, I felt someone grabbing my shoulder. "!!!" I turn around quick and see Claude standing there, worried, "Oh! You scared me Claude..." He sighs and wipes my face with a handkerchief, "I was just worried about you, it must've been hard to take that in..." I smile sadly and look down, "Yeah... I don't know what to say..." Soon I felt him bring me close to his chest and patted my back, "It's alright," he spoke softly, "Just let it all out..." I smile and hold him close, my tears then start falling, ruining his clothes, "T-Thank you, Claude..."


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