(2) Jinhwan: My Type

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Walking through the corridors was somehow lonely for this morning. There was no Jinhwan to bug you out. Whenever the both of you is walking together, endless teasing is present. You tease him about his height, he starts doing aegyo in result of making you cringe. Cute, isn't it?

Just then, a figure was approaching you. She or he was still far from you and you couldn't make yp the figure's face as you forgot to wear your contact lenses. Don't worry, you still got it to get through this day without it.

"Good morning, (Y/N)." When the figure was close enough, you realized it was Lee Hayi, Jinhwan's group mate's girlfriend. "Oh, where's Jinhwan?" She asks.

"Good morning, they're having an early meeting right?" You said, trying to make her remember.

"Oh yeah. Silly, how could I forget!" She facepalms.

Every Monday, Jinhwan with his group mates always had an early meeting. It was for the upcoming event in school and their group is to be performing at the said event.

"Aren't Hanbin in it too? I mean... they're group  mates after all." You replied.

Hayi shrugs, "Yeah, I guess."

You noticed the gloom on Hayi's aura making you think about something. Curious, you asked, "Something happened, hm?"

Hayi smirks at you and said, "I'm gonna go. I don't wanna be late for class." She runs away and avoids the topic. Due to her sudden reaction, your suspicions were proved right.

You just shrug it off and continued walking to your next class.


"That's it for today, class dismissed."

It is already lunch and Jinhwan was still nowhere to be found. He did not attend morning classes which lead you to be confused. Where could have he gone and what could have happened?

The professor had already dismissed the class to get to recess. However, you took this chance to pick up your phone and turn off the airplane mode.

Seconds after, notifications started flooding in. It was all texts and missed calls from Jinhwan.

Good morning, jagi. Sorry, I won't be able to attend our morning classes. We really need to get this done  as said by Mr. Yang.

Hey, are you there?

Answer my call...

Ah, I think you're having classes right now..., study well.

I'm so tired!

I miss you.

I'll be skipping class the whole day.

You sighed. Just the thought of him skipping class the whole day makes you frown. If he does that then this day is boring. Plus, he will really need go catch up on lot of things if he skips class today.

You sighed again. Jinhwan's a wise guy. You're pretty sure he'll be able to catch up quickly.... but still..

You opened your phone and dialed his number to call him. Just a few moments after, he took the call.

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