Silent Gray

261 42 95

“I think silence is somehow like the sun.
A little bit, is essential to keep you warm.But too much, it burns.”

It's the lightest shade of Gray,
that screeches so loudly till
the ears no longer bare.

Some magic that wealthies the air
with nothingness,
Leaves you scratching your head. These unspoken words
drive you to madness.

It's the words running dry,
turning ashes in mouth.
These mere truths that stumble,
left to dangle in the plain.

What's this riddle you may
It's the silence, carrying the untold secrets
that makes you fonder.

And when you ask me 'what's the silence's color?
I'll tell you
'It's that shade

Neither an outspoken white
Nor this shameful black that slay.

Just this riddle in between,
Just a silent
shade of gray.


A mushy blushy fact:

The more you light your lighter, the lighter your lighter gets until it's too light to light.

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