Chase A New Perspective

120 31 47

“This space that stretches ,glitters with stars, it seems so full yet it's empty... Blank Space. 
A shadow that's existent, following everywhere, but in the end it's just unreal. A closed glass door mistook for open. A full bottle from a far seen empty.
Perhaps, it just requires a different perspective...”   

This world we dust
in black and white
Then, fit the glories into boxes.
   The drifts we take
drizzled in caution
And each step forward
polished with trembles.

Eyes looking back, legs running forward     
And you ask me why we're hurt?

This sapphire past let's hold no longer.
Unclasp the pastels from the traps, and
watch the colors sprinkle
its wonders.
Chase a new perspective,             
Spread your dreams into infinity,
This world we are able
to turn heavenly.


The tomato smoothie of the day:

If nothing's impossible then is it possible for something to be possible since nothing nothing is negative negative then positive then something so something is double nothing so does that make it double impossible or you think double the impossible is possible cause negative negative is positive?

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