~°•Chapter 3•°~

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°•y/n's POV•°

There they sat, looking at me.

Noodle, Russel, Murdock, and 2D.

"Ello love, may I ask you a question?"
He just asked a question but I nodded. "Are you the last person?" Murdock asked. "Y-yes I am" I said quietly. Murdock walked up to me, getting closer. "Good~" he purred. I felt really uncomfortable. He got closer to my face. "Mudz get away from that poor girl!" Someone said, it sounded like Russel. Murdock backed away from me. "Come, sit down... Um... What's your name?" Noodle asked. "Y/n." I said. 2D got up and walked up to me. "Nice to meet ya y/n!" 2D said with his hand out. I shaked his hand. He patted a spot for me on the couch for me. I had pink dusted on my cheeks. I sat down between Noodle and 2D. I started to ask questions about them. Some we all laughed at. Some we just felt uncomfortable about. Some I got embarrassed about. When someone asked me a a question, it would usually be 2D, Noodle, and Murdock. Noodle would ask me about how I usually do my makeup or if I dance a lot. Murdock would ask about my love life which made me feel uncomfortable, and I think it made 2D uncomfortable as well. When 2D asked a question, he asked what songs I listen to. When he asked I answered (enter your favorite Gorillaz song here). He had pink dusted on his cheeks.

45 minutes passed. I never knew how long I was in here. A man walked in. "Ms. L/n, you need to leave." He told me. I felt dad about leaving, until two hands got my hands, I looked back and seen Noodle grabbing my hands. "Please don't go. I wanna hang out with you some more!" Noodle cried. I felt bad for her. The guy told Noodle that I had to leave. 2D stood up. "Hey if Noodle wants to 'ang out with 'er friend, then let 'er." 2D told the guy. Russel sat there and nodded. The guy looked at me. "Do you want to stay longer Ms. L/n?" It took me a minute to think. I loved the fact that I have a chance to stay longer. "Sure!" I said. Noodle jumped around. 2D gave me a smile, I can see his toothy Gap in his cute smile. "Y/n, follow me." Noodle said as she tugged on my shirt. I followed the 13 year old to her dressing room. As we were walking, I heard some footsteps behind me. I shrugged it off and continued to follow Noodle.

When we arrived to her dressing room, she unlocked it, and her room...
It looked really cute. She had a few plushies near her mirror, she had cute little bags, and a few more little items that looked like it came from Japan."this is my dressing room. Do you like it y/n-san?" Noodle asked me, calling me y/n-San. "Of course I do. Your Lil room looks really nice Noodle." When I said that, Noodle hugged me. "Your really cool y/n-San." She said still hugging me. I giggled. "Do you wanna make over y/n-san?" Noodle asked me. I thought about trusting a 13 year old covering my face in makeup, but I could fix it when she finishes. "Sure, that's fine." She jumped around, and got her little makeup bag and sat me down. She did my eyes, my lips, she put on foundation, etc. When she finishes, she gave me a little mirror. I looked...

I looked good

For a 13 year old to do my makeup, she did really good. "Noodle, this is really amazing!" I said as I sat her little mirror on a chair. "Thank you y/n-san!" Noodle said as she hugged me. "Do you want me to do your makeup?" I asked Noodle. She jumped with excitement. "Yes! Yes! Yes!" Noodle said as she gave me her make-up bag. I sat her down and started her make-up.

{{Let time skip brought to you by
Noodle getting a makeover}}

When I finished, I gave her the Lil mirror. She jumps as she seen what I done. "Im sorry if I messed up, im not tha-" she broke me off with a hug. "Thank you, thank you, Thank you y/n-san! You did awesome!" She said as she continued to hug me. "Awe, no problem Noodle." I said as I patted her shoulder. I felt like I was being watched. I looked at the door to see a shadow figure at the door. "Um, who's there?" Noodle asked. "Oh, u-um... Sorry 'bout that..." The figure said. Im guessing it was 2D. He walked in noodles room, with red cheeks. "2D are you okay? Your cheeks are really red?" I asked him as I felt his head. I noticed that when I felt his head, his cheeks just got even darker. "Y-yew look good y/n" 2D muttered, but I heard him. Red was plastered to my face.

"We should watch a movie!" Noodle said, but then she began to look upset. "What's the matter Noodle?" I asked her. "You have to leave soon, if you do that's fine." Noodle said. "Awe im sorry Noodle, I wish I could stay longer." I said as I hugged her. "Maybe you can." 2D said as he walked up to me and Noodle. "How,
y/n-san has to go home and take care of her family..." Noodle said in a sad tone. "Actually, I live alone." I said. "Maybe you can stay with me tonight." I told Noodle. When she heard me say that, she jumped up. "Yes I will stay with you!!!" Noodle said. 2D looked upset. "What's the matter 2D?" I asked him as I walked up to him. "It's just... I w-wanted to 'ang out with ya too..." 2D said as red was slowly spreading on his cheeks. "How about 2D-kun stay with me and y/n-San! Can he y/n-san?" Noodle said trying to brighten up 2D.

I sat there with my heart racing at this point. I just met Gorillaz, became good friends with the Gorillaz, and now two of the members want to stay with me. I just about passed out. "He can stay too!" I said as Noodle got even happier, and 2D lighten up. Noodle hugged me, 2D joining as well. "Now go get your stuff ready, and we can go." I told them. Noodle grabbed one of her cute bags, and 2D went to his dressing room. I helped noodle get what she wanted. After a few minutes 2D walked in with a little bag. I saw him holding a pair of shoes, and had a jacket on. "Im ready!" 2D said. "I also got some Zombie movies to watch." 2D said. "Ok, im ready now!" Noodle said as she had her little bag. "Alright, lets go!" I said as I grabbed my keys from my pocket. I grabbed my phone as well to check the time. It was 11: 15pm. We walked down the hallway and seen that Russel and Murdock was gone, but left a note.

The note said:

Hey, we heard about y'all's little 'plan' about spending the night with y/n. So we left knowing that we can leave. Hope you enjoy y'all's little stay with y/n.

- Russel and Murdock -

We all shrugged, and went to my car.

°•2D's POV•°

I was getting ready to go to y/n's house. I was kinda excited. Noodle was in the front passengers seat, and I was in the back seat, but I was able to talk to them of course. Y/n had the window down so her h/l h/c hair was flowing in the wind...

She kinda looked, beautiful...

Gah I just met her, can't be thinking this already! Butstill, she is really beautiful...

And hopefully this night will be the best

{{Hewwo peeps! Liked this story. I was up at 4:00 am writing this chapter, and now it's like noon and I finished writing this ((but school was in the way so that's mostly why)). I am really sleepy And aching because I ran a FREAKEN mile today... (Enter any cuss words here that I might say). I hope you enjoyed this chapter!}}

~Bug Out ~

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