And There's Nobody Around

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I pull myself up onto the lowest branch and keep on climbing until I get near the top. When I look down it's hard to see the ground through all of the branches. I just sit there in the tree for a while, thinking about how cold and empty the world is. I doubt that anyone will miss me, or even notice that I'm gone. I look down again and wonder if anyone will find my body. I smile grimly as I imagine some lost hiker stumbling upon my dead body.

You've put it off long enough. Or are you going to chicken out again? I start to loosen my grip on the branch. It's now or never.

I crash through tree and resign myself to my fate. I hit the ground at an angle, my arm taking most of the force. I'm not dead. This wasn't supposed to happen. I'll just have to try again. I try to push myself up but I can't feel my arm at all. NO NO NO! I scream at myself and start cursing everything. The tree, the ground, the sky, my miserable existence. When I can't scream anymore I break down crying. I can't take it anymore. I think I'll just stay out here in the woods and starve or be eaten by a bear or something.

I hear some rustling and I look up to see a man staring down at me, his bright red hair flopping in his deep brown eyes.

A/N: Mark's POV soon! See you all in the next chapter!

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