Do You Ever Really Crash

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A/N: Sorry it's been so long! I've been super busy with school, and honestly, I wasn't even sure that you guys wanted more. I'm amazed that my book got over 200 reads, so I'll write some more. I have a plan for the rest of the story. It was originally supposed to be just the 3 first chapters, but since somebody asked I realized that there was more to write. Enjoy! :)

We get to the hospital and Ethan is quickly ushered away once we've explained the situation. I am left alone in the waiting room. I hope that he's okay. I've only just met him and I already care so deeply about him. I know he's special. I can feel it in my bones.

After what felt like an eternity but was only about 15 minutes in reality, I get to thinking about what he said on the way here.

You're my guardian angel.

My heart flutters a little at the thought that he needed me. I try to ignore it, but deep down I start to suspect that I have feelings for the beautiful boy I rescued from himself.

Ethan's POV

After a few hours of X-rays, poking and prodding, and a cast on my arm, I finally get to see Mark again. I have to remind myself that he's the reason I'm holding on. There's a reason to hold on. I walk into the waiting room and Mark stands up immediately and smiles at me. Why is he being so nice to you? You don't deserve his kindness. I try not to think about how I'm such a parasite, but I start to cry anyway. Mark looks surprised but hugs me, being careful of my arm, trying to comfort me with soothing words. Why does he care?

Mark drives me to his house. I'm still a bit wary of living with him, but I know that no one else would ever want me in their house, and I don't want to live on the street. That is, if I plan on living at all.

My dark thoughts are interrupted by Mark's perfect voice apologizing for the mess in his house, even though it is far cleaner than my parents' house ever was. He takes me upstairs and guides me to a guest room.

"This will be your room. I hope it's alright."

"T-this will be great," I stutter. Great. He thinks you're even more of an awkward brat than he already thought.

"Awesome!" he replies. "I was wondering, can I sign your cast?"

"I-if you want..." I'm not sure why anyone would want to have anything to do with me, but maybe Mark is different. Maybe... maybe he cares. I hold out my arm and he grabs a pen. He scrawls his name on my cast in big, messy, yet somehow perfect handwriting. It fills up the emptiness and makes me feel strange inside. I can't remember ever feeling this way before.

Timeskip brought to you by Team Purple :)

I've been living with mark for several weeks now. It seems so surreal. He cares. He's introduced me to his friends: Amy, Jack, Tyler, Felix, Kathryn, Nate, Mat, Thomas, there are so many! I get a bit overwhelmed at times, but Mark never pushes me too far or makes me super uncomfortable. He always calms me down when I start to panic and I'm starting to feel safe.

There's still a seed of doubt. I can't fully believe that he cares. He must have some ulterior motive. There's no other reason someone as perfect as he is would help someone as broken as me. He's only letting you stay with him out of pity. You don't deserve him. You need to do it again. You know you want to.

No. I can't start again. I promised Mark that I wouldn't do it again. He saw the scars. I promised.

He doesn't care. No one will ever love you.

If I start again, what will he think? He'll throw me out just like they did.

But I can't stop myself.

It won't matter if I'm dead.

I'll finally escape.

I find a pen and some paper and write a note. I know it will be the last thing I ever write.

Mark's POV

Today is the day. The day I tell Ethan I love him. I hope he likes me back.

I walk into the kitchen to look for Ethan but I see a note with my name on it sitting on the counter. I open it and am horrified by the contents.


I'm sorry I mess everything up. I wish I could just be happy, but we both know that's not happening. I'm tired of everything. I'm tired of life. You're the only thing I'll be sad to leave. I never had the courage to tell you, but I love you. I hope you miss me.


I drop the note and run around my house, looking for him. When I get to the bathroom the door is locked and I notice a stream of what can only be blood trickling out from under the it. I call 911 to get an ambulance and I bust the door open. I am greeted by the sight of his unconscious body on the floor. He has cuts all over his legs and arms. The only safe place is under his cast. I kneel down and hold him in my arms until the ambulance comes.

A/N: I hope you like my story so far. I will be working on it more soon.

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