Mate xxx

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this a a story about true love and the sacrifices they face :) enjoy hope u like it :))

this is my first story EVER so please bare with me and sorry for any mistakes . thank you

prologue: Veronika Belston  is soon to shift as her birthday is coming up in 2 days . she going to be 16 and she finally meets her mate. shes been dreaming to find her other half since her mother told  her about mates which was when she was 6 years old.  adriana and her older brother liam moved to mystic falls.

Jason Dawn  is soon to be alpha of the midnight pack. he is 17 and still hasn't found his mate . he is soon to give up when he sees her ........

this story is about love, lost and sacrifice. join Veronika and Jason on there adventure of love !!

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