chapter 6 :)

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hey guys im so soo sorry for the late upatde, but i was really busy with my tests goin on , but today was my last day so ill be uptading more often :))) sorry again  guys and enjoy :)))



i woke up today with a smile on my face , but then i remeberd its monday. school is on today gosh!!

. i got up and took a shower.i decided to wear a tank top and my skinny jeans and my white high tops.i put on some make-up and went down stairs.i ate my breakfast and went out the door.i was starting to walk when a black BMW was in front of me.aww he came for me , thats so cute !!!. he got out and walked up to me. he gave e a peck on the lips." hey babe, you ready for school". " yeah i am". i smiled and blushed.i got in the passager seat and then he got in.we talked about our self's and got to know each-other more. before i knew it we were pulling up in the school parking lot.he opened the passager door for me ,and then held my hand. i blushed knowing everything in this school knew ive never had a boyfriend before , they are going to freak especially if my boyfriend is the most popular , hottest guy in the school.

we were walking  down the hallway to our lockers. everyone was staring at us i mean everyone. i got a lot of glares from the barbie dolls, especially the blonde bitch. Natalie , Jason's "fuck buddy" as they called it. well girl you better put your paws down ,coz he aint anymore! i thought to myself, and smiled knowing jason is mine.i got out of my thoughts when we stopped. " hey gal , you ready for maths". Rita said annoyed, she hates maths and i don't blame her , maths is a living hell." definitely, note the sarcasm". i replayed to her as well annoyed. Jack walked up to us and right in an instant he wrapped his arms around Rita , and kissed her passionately."hey Veronika, comon before were late, my favorite subject is on". jack is the only person who is in love with maths, i mean comon he's like the popular guy type and he likes maths , hats so weird but cool at the same time." heloooooo!! back to earth Veronika". rita was waving her hand in front of my face." yeah yeah lets just go ahah". i chuckled. i was about to walk when two arms wrapped around me , and by the smell and feeling no tingles i knew it wasn't Jason.i looked up at the person and it was austin. Austin is the guy who tryed to rape me last year ago and  kept asking me out till about 2 moths ago.i tryed to pull myself off him but he was stronger then me , he a werewolf too, a strong one for sure.

i kept trying and trying to get out of his hold but  that was no use. he was draging me into an free classroom. jason went to the bathroom , thats why he could help me at the moment , god but where are you jason i need you , i thought to myself."hey sweet cheeks, miss me , so you think you can cheat on me with jason yeah , well you know what happens to girls that don't listen". wait wath cheat on him? i was even goin out with him . GOD!!!! i hate him. " let go!!!!!!! austin it hurts stopp!! wtf im not your fucking girlfriend go away let gooo!!!".i yelled at him while trying to get out of his hold. " hmm true you not, but at least i can punish you for fun right?  at lest give you the tase of what your missing out on" thats when he lay me down on the desk and pulled my shirt up ,so it was showing my stomach. i tried to get out, i was kicking him , punching him and slapping him but nothing worked it was usless , im gonna be raped ." jason help!!!!!! please someone at least !!".i tryed to scream when austin put a finget on my lips." shh you dont want anyone to catch us , that wouldnt be good". he smirked, i growled at him.he started to kiss my stomach. i didnt like it , i want jason not him , it didnt feel right and plus im in love with jason , he is supsto be my first and be with e forever not wit this shitty head. i was about to give in, when i heard the loudest grown in history. Jason literally jumped at austin and held him against the wall by his neck." wtf !!! do you think y ou doing with my mate shit hole!! huh? your really looking for trouble, you dead you know that right!!!!!!! " . he smashed his head into the wall." jason he's not worth it ,comon leave him  let him live with this guilt". i put my hand on his shoulder. i mean yeah austin does deserv to be punished for this , but im not a mean person and i rather leave it alone since nothing really happened, it would be a different story if he raped me. he hesitated , but puted him down on the ground , rough but he did." okay , but im telling you shit hole , dont you ever look at her again coz next time there wont be any kindness showing from me . GOT THAT??? !! " . jason yelled and growled." emm yh y...yhhh i g..ot ..itt ".austin barley wispered. man this is the first ime i've ever seen austin scared shitless hahha. austin ran out of the classroom as fast as he could. MY GOD he was fucking shitless ." Veronika, babe you okay? who is he? why was he about to ... ?? "jason practically checked me as if he was a doctor or something." thats austin he asks me out all the time. and yeah im fine . and one more thing well .. umm .. "i was so scared that h'e's goin to rip austins head  off, iwanted to tell him all of it , which includes the nearly raped part, i cant keep it from him."what is it , did he do something tell me ???? "he looked so concerned. " well he nearly... raped me last year and well , nearly ... now ". i told him and his eyes went from blue to coal black.he growled." what"" ?? he's so dead i swear, but wait did he rape you!!!!!". he asked , he was so angry and i didn't blame him." no no i said nearly i  got out before anything could happen, and well now you saved me " i smiled at him . he smiled back , ohh yes he's back." thank god, Veronika , ipromise you i wont let your side again"he promised as he put his hands on my cheeks and kissed me.

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