Chapter 15:

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The Next Day Tomika's POV:

I woke up to the smell of bacon and eggs, I threw my covers back and ran downstairs to get breakfast.When I got down there I saw Rachel, Finn, Crystal, Riker, and the rest of the band already down there.I make my way to an open seat which just so happens to be next to Riker, well this has started to be an interesting day.Finn and Rachel serve us and then sat down to eat as well, I look around and notice that everyone is still in their pajamas well except for the adults, to be honest now that I'm not sleepy and I'm paying attention Riker is actually kinda hot.Freddy and Zach start to stare at me so I get a little-pissed off,"Guys if you are going to stare at me, can you at least be discreet?"Freddy rolls his eyes while Zach, on the other hand, is trying to hide his laughter, it's not really going his way.Freddy calms Zach's laughter down and says,"Tomika we need to talk to you privately."I slowly nod then excuse myself from the table and walk to the top of the stairs waiting on Zach and Freddy to catch up.Once they get up the stairs I look at them both with a disgusted look and say,"Freddy you talk first."He nods and sweat starts to form around his eyebrow, and I can tell that he's nervous to tell me this."But before I say anything you need to promise you won't tell Summer any of this.You promise?"I roll my eyes and him being so cliche, but nod my head signaling for him to continue and saying I promise I won't tell."So Finn and Rachel are kinda Sum's parents?"It came out as more of a question than a statement. "But that means Crystal and Riker are her siblings.And I was just hitting on her brother."Zach nods his head then starts to walk back downstairs, but stops and turns around to say something. "And Tomika we meant business when we told you not to tell Summer.Her parents don't want her to know until after the concert."I nod my head and let him walk back to the kitchen but turn to Freddy, and see him already waiting for my question."Riker looks exactly like Summer how can that be possible?"He starts walking downstairs but turns and does exactly what Zach did. "It's possible if Summer and Riker are twins."I stand there shocked processing what I was just told. How am I supposed to keep something this big away from Summer?I guess I'll just have to figure it out soon because I can't tell her it has to be her parents that tell her.(Tomika's pajamas are below)

(Tomika's pajamas are below)

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Riker's POV:

It's a little awkward having people you barely know in the house you live in, but I'm sure I'll get used to it but it'll take some time.My parents were right about Summer, she does look exactly like me that explains why they said we were twins.I'm lucky my parents told Crystal and I that we were siblings, if they didn't I probably would have asked Summer out when I first met her. And that would've been really awkward since I know we're siblings and she doesn't.(There won't be a lot of these for Riker, and there won't be a lot of them.)


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