4 Years Later:

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^^^Song that plays when people are walking down the aisle^^^ (This is only going to be describing the wedding, no pictures or anything. But I'm going to post another part with all the pictures. But if you want to imagine your own Fremmer wedding you can, it'll just be what I like. Hope you guys enjoy <3) (And this is in nobody's POV)

It's been 4 years since senior graduation, 4 years since Summer found her birth parents, and 4 years since Freddy and Summer got engaged. They didn't want to get married right away because of college, but they graduated that yesterday afternoon. So nothing is really stopping them from their wedding, besides of course Zach and Tomika's wedding. Which they planned the day before Summer and Freddy's, but they didn't mind. They waited 4 years what was another day?

---After Zomika's Wedding---

So as it turns out, Tomika is pregnant and has known for almost 2 months. Her and Zach decided to get married before the baby is born, which actually makes sense. But now its Fremmer's turn to get hitched. And it's happening in 2 hours.

---2 Hours Before Fremmer's Wedding---

Freddy is freaking out because he still hasn't written his vows yet, Riker and Zach are laughing at him for waiting last minute.

Summer is trying to calm her nerves so she doesn't vomit on herself, Tomika and Crystal are trying their best not to laugh at her.

Finn and Rachel are waiting outside Summer's door to see her come out, and they're trying not to cry.

Mr. Finn and Lawrence are in the room with Freddy just looking at him with so much pride. You'd think by just looking at them that they're his parents.

---Wedding Time---

Dewey leads Freddy to the alter. Then he sits down on one side of Rachel, and he wipes away a small tear.

Zach comes out with Tomika on his arm and both of them are silently crying. When they get to the alter they part ways.

Lawrence comes out with Crystal on his arm and they're both smiling like idiots. They part when they get to the alter, and everybody can tell they're officially dating.

Riker comes out with Dove on his arm and they're avoiding each others gazes. They quickly part when they get to the alter. It's so obvious that they're a hookup gone bad.

And finally everybody stands in unison knowing exactly who's next. Summer comes out with her her dad (Finn) on her arm. She's smiling and crying at the same time, while her dad's trying not to cry. When they reach the alter he kisses her cheek and places her hand in Freddy's, then he goes and sits next to Rachel.

"We are gathered here today to witness this beautiful union between two life-long best friends, Summer Hudson and Freddy Huerta. They found each other in the darkest points in their lives and strengthened each other to push forward, they saved each other's lives more than once. And today I'm honored to pronounce them as one."

"Freddy Huerta, do you take Summer Hudson to be your lifelong partner. To have and to hold, through sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?"

"I do."

"And Summer Hudson, do you take Freddy Huerta to be your lifelong partner. To have and to hold, through sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?"

"I do."

"I recall you both saying you wrote vows, Summer if you'd like to start us off."

"Freddy, I found you in the midst of a very rough time in my life. You were the strength that helped me through it. For this, I am grateful. At times I needed a shoulder to cry on, or a kind ear to listen to my thoughts. You lent me your shoulder, and you listened to me without passing judgement. When I'm scared, you make me feel safe. When I'm elated, you share in my happiness. When I have questions, you answer them and ease my doubts. Whenever I've needed you, Whenever I've needed a friend, you've always been there...to show me unconditional love. And for that I love you...with all of my heart, and all of my soul."

"Summer, since we have been together, you have made me feel more complete, more alive, and have shown me the true meaning of happiness. I am a better person with you by my side. That's why today, in front of you, our friends, and our family, I take you to be my partner, loving what I know of you, and trusting what I do not yet know. Summer, I promise to respect you as an equal. And to recognize that your interest, desires and needs are as important as mine. I promise to laugh with you when times are good, and endure with you when they are bad. I can't wait to grow old together, getting to know the woman you will become, and falling in love a little more every day. Today I give you my hand, my heart, and my love without condition, completely and forever.."

"And it is with great honor that I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride."

"I present to you Mr. and Mrs. Freddy Huerta!"


"Allow me to welcome our newlyweds to the dance floor for their first dance."

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